Twenty Two

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"I'm not good enough!" I yelled at Pete right before my first show with them. I ran my hands through my hair nervously. He ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"You're better" he said in my ear "You're better than us Patrick, better than all of this. You deserve so much. Your voice truly is absolutely amazing"

"I'm so scared" I whispered "They're gonna hate me"

"No, they're not" He said "Just you watch Patrick, they're gonna love the fuck outta you. Just like I do" He kissed the side of my mouth. I grabbed the best friend necklace nervously. "Just let me do all the talking, and you can do all the singing"

"Okay" I whispered.
I stared out into the endless sea of people while Pete went on and on about 'this one time I was playing basket ball and blah blah blah', We were about halfway in, and I could see what Pete was talking about. This really was a goddamn rush. Singing up on stage was absolutely amazing.  The screaming fans, the lights, the music.  Pete walked over to me and poked my cheek.

"Hey ditz wake up" he said.  I shook my head coming back to Earth.  "How are you?" He asked in my ear while Joe and Andy started playing. 

"Amazing" I said.  I went into the first few words of the song.  We smiled at each other.  He kissed my cheek which distracted me for a second.  I giggled but, got back on course.  He laid his head on my shoulder playing his bass so I was unable to move away from my spot.  The crowd roared at those small things.  And that was pretty cool. 
I sat in the dressing screaming to Pete how amazing it was to be up on stage.  He chuckled at me and rested his arm on his knee.  I crawled over to him.  I cuddled myself up against him.

"We have to get into the tourbus soon" he said gently against my forehead.

"Mm" I groaned. 

"You can sleep in my arms in there" He said gently "Come on pretty"

"Carry me" I mumbled sleepily.  He lifted me up bridal style and grabbed all of our things.  Jackets, phones, keys, etc. I would've fallen asleep on his shoulder had he not bumped my leg against the tour bus door.  He laid me down on my bunk, and believe me I wanted him to sleep next to me.  The bunks were so small you could barely move let alone fit two people in.  He did however, lay against me, until I fell asleep.
The alarm was beeping so loudly I wanted to scream.  Pete slammed it off, both of the tour buses were stopped.  Joe, and Andy in one, Pete, and I in the other.  I got up and climbed the ladder to Petes bunk.  I pressed some kisses to his face. 

"No" he whined.  I smiled and kissed his cheek some more.  He opened his eyes pouting. 

"Hi" I said in his ear gently.  "It's time to wake up"

"It's too early"  he whined.

"It's 12 Pete" I said "Let's get something to eat together"

"Okay" he said gently.  I let him wake up and get his coffee.  He sat down on the couch next to me pulling his socks and shoes on. 

"This tour bus is nicer than my old house" I said.  He laughed a little bit.  "It's even got a fuckin kitchen"

"You get used to it" Pete chuckled.  He kissed the side of my head "Come on pretty, let's get breakfast"

"Lunch" I said.


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