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[I have to pee so badly but eh]

I came downstairs in the outfit Pete bought me to everyone talking while eating breakfast.  Pete smiled at me when he saw me.  He held out a plate of pancakes to me.  I took it smiling at him.

"Thank you" I said gently.

"You're welcome Patrick" He said.  I grabbed my book off the counted and walked outside sitting on the porch.  I opened my book getting my fork in my hands.  I looked up as the door opened.  Pete tripped over the little step under the door.  He stared at me.

"I saw nothing" I said.  He nodded and sat across from me.

"So what's that book about?" He asked. 

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I asked smirking.  I felt something in me drop.  That wasn't sarcasm, that was flirting.  Bad Patrick.  He's getting married.  He snatched it from my hands.  "Hey!" I whined.  He looked at the back.  "Gimmie my book!" I laughed reaching for it.  He pulled it away again. 

"Politics huh?" he asked.  I sat back crossing my arms.  "You don't look like the political type"

"It interests me sometimes" I said "Now give it back" He handed it to me smirking.  I closed it putting it to the side. 

"Am I special or something?  You put your book to the side for me"

"I don't know about all that, but I'm not gonna be rude" I said.

"Anymore?" He asked.  I stared at him frowning "Sorry, that was-"

"It's fine" I said.  He shook his head.

"No it's not I shouldn't have said that, I know why you come off cold like that"

"Do you Pete?" I asked in annoyance "Because I don't remember telling you" I grabbed my book and walked back inside. 

"Patrick" he said.  I slammed the door shut making my way to my room again.  I shut the door and flopped on my bed.  It creaked open slowly.  Pete poked his head in.  "I'm sorry okay?"

"I heard you the first time I'd just like to be alone" I said flipping the page in my book.


"Go" I said.  He sighed.

"Fine, but when you're ready to talk" He said "I'm around" he closed my door slowly. It made an annoying creaking sound.

"Wait" I said. He opened the door back up.

"Thank you" he said. I put my book down. I pat my bed next to me. He shut my door then flopped down. "Twenty questions"

"Ten" I said.

"Fair enough" he said. He stared at me in thought.

"Does it have to do with an ex boyfriend?" He asked.

"Part of it yes, nine questions left"

"Where's your dad?" he asked.

"Ohio" I said not wanting to say more.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know, to get away from us" I said.  "Seven left, use them wisely" He ran his thumb over his lip in thought. 

"What'd your ex boyfriend do to you?" he asked.  I hesitated.  He frowned at me a little.

"He cheated on me, four times.  And I was stupid enough to give him that many chances" I whispered "Next, question"'

"I'm saving my last six" he said.  He got up but I grabbed his hand.

"Don't go" I said.  He slowly laid back down next to me.  I laid my head down next to his.  "Do I get ten questions?"

"Yeah" he said.  I smiled.

"I'm saving mine for later" I said.  He smiled a little.  I felt my eyes start to close a little.  I guess I was tired.  I don't know why, but I ended up laying my head on his chest.  He started to comb his hand through my hair so obviously he didn't care so much. 
I woke up alone.  There was a note perched on my bedside table though.

Wedding stuff :(
I programmed my number in your phone.  Put a password on that thing :P


I smiled to myself a little.  Okay, Pete.

Uncle Pete Where stories live. Discover now