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[See, I said it'd be longer]

"I don't get why we have to do this together" I said looking through the suits. 

"Bonding" Pete said.  I rolled my eyes.  "Hey,
lighten up for once"

"Mhm" I mumbled. 

"So what's your major?" He asked me.  I looked over at him.  "For college"

"English lit" I mumbled.  He nodded.

"So you're probably one of those, hopeless romantic types then" he said.  I stared at him with a 'Really?' kind of look.  "What?" he asked.

"I don't believe in romance" I said "I don't believe in love"

"I do" he said "I am marrying your aunt after all"

"You don't love her" I said "You're gay, I can see it from about a mile away" He dropped a suit on the ground.  He grabbed it and stared at me in shock.  "Maybe bi sexual, but you certainly don't love her"

"How would you know?" he asked.

"You don't look at her the way you should" I said "I'm a hopeless romantic remember?" I asked sarcastically.  I handed him a tux "This one would look good on you" I said walking in another direction. 
We ended up getting tuxes buy keeping them there until the wedding.  I stuffed my hands in my pockets.  We decided to walk around the mall, it would've been cool if about 8000000 fangirls didn't come up to ask for his autograph.  He ended up putting his sunglasses and hood on because it was obvious it irked me. 

"So, you hate humans, hate love, and basically rarely ever let anyone in" he said.

"Pretty much" I said.  I stopped to consider going into the book store. 

"Go in" he said.

"If I buy another book my mom'll throw me onto the streets" I said.  I just kept walking.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't know, why do you ask so many questions?" I snapped.

"You're interesting" he said.

"Hm, I'm about as interesting as watching paint dry but good try" I sighed "Sorry, I'm just-"

"I get it" he said "I uhm, used to be a lot like you"

"What changed you?" I asked quietly.

"My band, they saved my life, well almost all of them"

"Throwing shade?" I asked.  He chuckled.  "I hate your lead singer"

"He's not-"

"Yes he is, you know you made it because of your lyrics" I said.  He stared at the ground, so did I.  "Your lyrics are really good" I said gently "I've written some down in my little notebook before"

"Yeah?" he asked.  I nodded and scratched the back of my head "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I said.

"Why are all of your clothes so big on you?" he asked.  I awkwardly adjusted my giant shirt.

"I used to be really uhm chubby?  And I lost all my weight, and I dont have the money to buy new clothes" I said gently "I'm actually underweight now so I'm trying to gain a little"

"Why didn't your mom-" he stopped himself "Well, I can't say a lot of good about my life, but I can say my mom was there for me when I needed it" I shrugged.  He made a weird face and sighed.  "Come on"

"Where are we going?" I asked as he walked away.  I ran to catch up.  "Pete"

"Just come with me"
I stared in the mirror.  A fitting outfit.  Weird. 

"How is it?" Pete asked from outside the dressing room door. 

"It fits" I said gently.  I opened the door showing off the short sleeve button up shirt, and black skinnies.  He smiled at me.  I checked the price tag.  "And it's totally not happening" I laughed a little "It was nice while it lasted" I went back into the dressing room changing back into my plus sized clothes. 

"I'll meet you at the bookstore I'm gonna go see if they have an album at the music store" he said when I came out of the dressing room.

"I said I shouldn't go into the-"

"Please, do something for yourself and go enjoy the bookstore" he said.  I sighed and nodded.  "I'll find you when I'm done"
I was looking through the political section when I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I looked up at Pete and smiled.  He handed me a bag. 

"What's this?" I asked.  I opened it finding the outfit from earlier.

"Don't argue with me on it okay?  I know you're extremely independent and probably haven't accepted something in a while but-" I cut him off by hugging him.  He wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Thank you" I said gently.

"You're welcome" he whispered.  I pulled myself away.  "That was a shocking reaction"

"I contemplated throwing it at you and screaming" I said "But, it's been so long since someone's shown me a sign that they care, I just couldn't bring myself to get upset" He ran the back of his hand down my cheek.  I blinked and turned towards the book I was looking at.  I grabbed it and stared at it.  "I'm gonna buy this" I said.  He smiled at me while I made my way to the check out.  I placed the book down and actually went through with buying it.

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