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The front door opened waking me from my nap. I looked up as Pete walked in trying to get his suitcase inside. I smiled widely at him. He looked up at me and smiled back. I got up jumping into his arms. He chuckled and hugged me tightly.

"Next time I'm going with you" I sighed.

"I missed you so much" He said.

"I made the bed all up for you" I said when he put me down "And I tried to make you dinner but-"

"I don't want that for dinner" He said. He pressed his mouth against mine hungrily. Okay.
"See now this is dessert" he said excitedly getting a plate of food. I smiled at him from the doorway of the kitchen. "Although the first course was my favorite" He kissed my cheek. He walked back to the table. "Are you okay?" he asked "You're so quiet" Open up to him Patrick.

"My dad came to see me" I whispered. He stopped eating and stared up at me "On Wednesday"

"What?" he asked.

"He said he wanted to be apart of my life" I laughed weakly "And that he now accepted my sexuality"

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. I grabbed a plate and piled some food onto it. I sat down across from him.

"Because I missed you. And I didn't want that to be the first thing I told you" I said. I bit into the chicken I made. I spit it out and made a disgusted face. "This is why I don't cook"

"I wasn't gonna say anything" he laughed "Pizza?"

"Pizza" I said.

"What'd you say to him?" he asked dumping his place.

"I closed the door in his face" I said "And I waited to talk to you.  Because you help me"

"Let's order this pizza and we'll see what we can figure out" he said.
"I don't wanna get hurt" I said "He hurt me once you know?  Am I fool for wanting him back in my life?"

"It's your dad" he said biting his pizza "You're not a fool for loving your dad"

"I feel like I am" I said.  I bit my pizza slice "I'm not that hungry" I said putting the rest on his plate.  "I'm gonna go take a shower" I got up and kissed his forehead "Welcome home bubbie"

Uncle Pete Where stories live. Discover now