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I drove back later that day after getting my shit straightened out.  I contemplated everything I'd say to Pete when I saw him as I pulled into my driveway.  I got out of the car quickly.  I ran to the door just as it opened.  My mom stared at me.

"So you came back" she said "Well you can join us we're going out.  It's a nice place so look half decent" She walked by me.  I ran inside.  My aunt Jenn was applying some form of lip shit as she walked by me in a fancy cocktail dress.  I ran to her room where Pete was putting on a half decent shirt.  I ran in.  He was facing away from me, so I grabbed his hand.  He turned quickly to face me.  I gulped and shut the door.  I pressed my hand to his cheek even though his facial expression told me I was the last person he wanted to see.  He batted my hand away.  I noticed he still had the necklace on.  So did I. 

"Don't" he said when I opened my mouth to speak "Just, stop before you start" He pulled away from me and shoved his shirt on. 

"Just let me talk I-"

"You talked enough" He snapped "You hate me remember?  You don't love me.  You wanna talk more? Fuck you" He grabbed his phone shoving it into his pocket.  "Fuck you" He repeated again storming out of the room.  I sat down on the bed with a hurt look on my face.  I felt like I was gonna throw up.  I lost him.  I really fucking lost him.  I laid down on his pillow and cried.  Just like I'd done the passed two days.  I sat up looking around the messy bedroom floor.  I took the best friend necklace off and laid it on his pillow.  I got up walking out of the room.  All I did was cause trouble.  I drove Pete away, and I even managed to drive Brendon away.  I walked upstairs to my bedroom, laid on my bed, and cried.
I woke up to the sun shining in my room.  I sat up wishing my face wasn't sticky from crying.  I looked over at my bedside table.  The necklace.  My half of the best friend necklace.  I picked it up and shakily put it around my neck again.  He kept his on, I should keep mine on.  Thats why he left it in my room.  I laid down on my pillow again. 

"Patrick!" My mom yelled "Let's go it's breakfast time!  I'm not saving you a plate!" I ignored her and stuffed my head in my pillow.  I had no fucking motivation to leave my bed.  No heart to see Pete.  And no tears left to shed so I'd probably look like I was having a seizure if I ended up trying to cry.  I walked into my bathroom and took some sleeping pills my doctor prescribed when I used to have insomnia.  I walked back over to my bed groggily.  I was already pretty tired, I just thought the pills might help.  I hugged my pillow again, and fell asleep just as I heard my bedroom door open.
I opened my eyes waking up again. I must've slept till at least dinner because the sun was going down. I blinked a few times and sat up pressing my hand to my forehead. I reached around and clicked a light on. I needed water. I got out of bed. My foot tripped over a lump on my floor.

"Woah!" I yelled falling forward. The lump jumped awake. "Jesus christ Pete!" I yelled pressing my hand to my head "God, I'm fucking bleeding, perfect, exactly what I need right now" I stood up hobbling my way into my bathroom. He walked in after me watching me attempt to stop the bleeding with a washcloth. I let out a sigh from my nose.

"Are you oka-"

"I'm really not Pete" I said "Why the fuck were you sleeping on my floor?"

"I didn't think you'd appreciate me sleeping in the bed, but I was worried about you" He said.

"I don't think you have the right to worry about me anymore" I said "You gave that up yesterday"

"Is this how it's gonna be then?" He asked "Because, I don't want that. I don't want us to not be anything"

"You didn't let me speak!" I yelled in anger "You didn't even give me a fucking chance dammit!" I tried to kick the trashcan but I slid and fell back. He grabbed my hand before I could hit the floor.

"And I was wrong for that, but remember you were the one who put me through hell for a month and a half" he said.

"I put you through hell!?" I yelled. I stormed out of my bathroom "I was doing just fine before you came here! I was perfectly okay building my walls and having them stay up! You came in and fucked me up!" I sat on my bed "Can you just go please? I just wanna sleep. It's the only time my brain shuts up" he walked over to me and sat on my bed "Pete" He reached out to touch my cheek but I moved my face "Go Pete" I whispered. He put his finger under my chin and kissed my forehead. He got up and left, and I started crying all over again.

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