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I stared at myself in the mirror.  I pressed my hand to my cheek.  I tilted my head to the side sadly.

"Babe we're gonna be late" Pete said walking into his bedroom where I was. He stared at me, and my sad face. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I just" I stopped "I-I" I let out a breath "Someone made a comment to me about me looking like I'm gaining weight back" I said "And I just, I hate myself" I whispered. "I really, really hate myself" I stared at myself in the mirror as I slammed my fist into it. Pete ran over to me as I screamed in pain.

"Patrick!" he yelled "Dammit!" He grabbed my bloody hand taking it into his arms. I stared at him, my hair fell in from of my eyes. "Listen to me, you're not fat do you understand me?"

"Everyone keeps telling me I am!" I yelled loudly "Ever since you posted that selfie of us the week before we started dating! I'm fat!" my lip quivered "I hate being me!"

"You are not fat, you know it, and I know it. I finally get you to a healthy weight and suddenly you think you're fat? Patrick"

"Please go to the interview without me, I'm not up for it" I whispered.

"I'm not going without you" he said. I stared at him sadly.  "Get yourself dressed, and I'll see you downstairs" he kissed my forehead "You're not fat" he left the room.  I pulled my phone out and checked the comments.

Username: okay but like lose weight??? thanks.

Username1: who tf is this with my future husband????? #fatty

Username2: chub

Username3: kys chub

I dropped my phone, and ran into the bathroom spilling my guts into the toilet.  Pete ran in again.  He rubbed my back soothingly while I sobbed and puked and sobbed again.  I cried harder when I was finished.  I laid my head on Pete's lap.  I had to hear it from my parents for about my whole life until I dropped the weight.  Now, hearing it from strangers I barely knew, hurt me worse.  I held onto Petes shirt tightly. 

"This needs to end" he said.  "I'm ending this today"

Uncle Pete Where stories live. Discover now