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"Wait" I said stopping Pete "What if they hate me and then you have to choose between me and them and you pick them and then we break up and I end up moving to Japan because of my mass depression and end up selling Manga in a tiny store and dying alone.  I don't wanna die alone-"

"Patrick!" he yelled "Take a deep breath Jesus Christ.  You're not gonna sell Manga in a tiny store, and die alone because they wont hate you.  Okay?" I nodded gulping.  He grabbed my hand "You're the first ever outsider to see the studio, pretty cool huh?" He asked as we walked inside the building.  He opened up the door to a small room. 

"Pete!" someone yelled. I poked my head in a little.  Woah, Joe Trohman, and Andy Hurley.  Wow.

"Hey" he laughed "Where's Noah?"

"Who the hell knows? Whos your friend?"Andy asked. I squeaked a little and hid behind Pete. 

"Uhm, he's kinda shy at first" Pete laughed "It took two months for him to really open up to me.  Anyway, this is Patrick" He said "And I love him"

"Hi Patrick" Joe said.  I popped my head over Pete's shoulder.

"Hello!" I said happily.  I smiled a little.

"Hello Patrick" Andy said smiling. 

"Pete you left loving one person and came back loving another the fuck are you doing?" Joe asked.  Pete chuckled again.  I hugged his waist tightly.

"I didn't love Jenn" he said.  I laid my head on his back "Patrick I actually love"

"I love you too" I mumbled. 

"Awh" Joe and Andy said together. 

"Who the hell are you?" Someone behind me snapped. I felt my cheeks heat up.  Pete turned around so I hid behind him again. 

"Hey Noah" Pete said.

"Who the hell's that?" Noah snapped. I gripped the back of Pete's jacket.  I didn't like him.  I said that before and I'll say it again.  I really, really, didn't like him.  I felt some weird surge of confidence and I stepped out. 

"My names Patrick" I said crossing my arms "Who the fuck are you?" Everyone stared at me.  Noah crossed his arms too.  He laughed and shook his head. 

"Move" He snapped walking into me to get by.  Pete turned around before I could.  He grabbed the back of Noah's neck.

"Uh oh" Joe said.  They stood up "Might wanna stand back Patrick, these two have major fist fights" Pete threw him forward so Joe and Andy moved to where I was.  Noah turned around.

"Don't treat him like that" Pete growled.

"Who cares how I treat him!?" Noah yelled. 

"I do" Pete tried to hit him.  I ran in and grabbed his hand. 

"Stop!" I said sternly "Don't" Pete slowly put his hand down "You can't always result to violence.  He's clearly not worth it can't you see that?"

"Oh shut up you fucking loser" He said.  I let Petes hand go.

"Shut up or I'm gonna punch you" I snapped "Come on" I said to Pete.  He glared for another minute, then turned around with me. 

"Pete we got that interview tomorrow okay?" Joe asked.  He nodded wordlessly.

"It was nice to meet you" I said gently. 

"You too" They said smiling

"Come with Pete tomorrow!  We think you're pretty cool" Joe said.  I nodded happily and we left.  Pete dropped my hand before we got outside.  He wasn't exactly out yet to the press and I was waiting till he was ready.  When we got into the car he smiled. 

"Boy, I think I'd be dead by now without you" he laughed "Let's go watch anime" I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Uncle Pete Where stories live. Discover now