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[I wanted to write a cute chapter so here it is]

I stared at myself in the mirror with tears rushing down my face. The mirror turned from me to my dad. He laughed at me.

"Pathetic" he said. I was surrounded,
suddenly, by everyone I know chanting it at me. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. Pete too. And that hurt me the most. I screamed loudly.

"No!" I yelled. I took a deep breath and clicked my bedroom light on. I got up running, downstairs to get some water. I shook a little bit so I went to grab the blanket off the couch. But, Pete was laying there shivering. He pulled the blanket on him further. He sneezed,
and coughed, and wheezed, and shivered some
more. The living room was cold as all hell at night. I ran to him clicking the lights on. He stared at me with droopy, tired eyes. "Why the hell are you out here? You're sick as a dog! It's too cold here for you I told you to get some rest"

"Jenn doesn't want me to get her sick" He said sniffling. He sneezed again. "Why're you awake?"

"Just a stupid nightmare" I said. "She kicked you out?" He nodded. "Can you stand?"

"I'm pretty weak but I think I can" He said. He slowly made his way up. I wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "You'll get sick-"

"I have a pretty strong immune system" I said "Let's get you into my bed and I'll make you some tea, that'll help your throat" I said "I'll grab your things off the table too" I helped him up the steps and to my bedroom. I laid him down on my bed covering him up with all my blankets. He shivered but, it wasn't as bad as before. I cocooned him in. He looked up at me, and I realized he looked so innocent. He always walked around so tough, but he looked almost like a child now. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He blinked at me. "I'll go make your tea" I said gently. He smiled at me weakly and then sneezed yet again, which sent him into a coughing fit. I pouted at him. "Poor baby"
I woke up on the couch to my mom talking to Jenn. Fuck, Pete's medicine. I sat up and grabbed it off the table. I ran upstairs quickly to see him still sound asleep. I sat down next to him and shook him awake. He stared at me still stuck in the position he was in because of my cocoon skills.

"It's time for your medicine" I said gently. I helped him sit up and gave him the couch syrup, and the pills the doctor gave that he said help the flu bug run its course faster. I grabbed the thermometer and placed it under his tongue. He frowned at the wall. When it beeped I sighed in relief a little "Ninety nine, you went down from a hundred and one" I said. He nodded laying back down. "You want some tea and soup bub?" I asked. He nodded. I kissed his cheek and went downstairs. I ignored the stares of my aunt and mother. I grabbed a can of chicken noodle, then put it in a bowl to warm in the microwave.

"What're you doing?" Aunt Jenn snapped "I can take care of my fiancé" I turned around after making the tea for him.

"You made him sleep on the couch in the coldest room of the house. You refuse to go near him because you're scared to get sick. He can barely move" I snapped back. I grabbed the soup and tea "If you actually cared you'd be doing the same thing as me" I stormed upstairs. Pete sat up when I entered. I sat down on the bed.

"What happened?" he asked with a stuffy nose.

"You're fiancé" I said. I got a spoonful of soup and held it up to him. He bit it.

"I need to break it off with her" he said "I was going to and then, flu. I just don't have the energy to fight with her" I held out another spoonful. He bit it and smiled happily at me. "I don't deserve you"

"Hush" I said "Drink some tea, it'll help loosen you up a little, it's peppermint" He grabbed the mug taking a sip. "Your make shift nurse wants you to eat more, and drink more fluids. You have to keep your strength up"

"I'm the only human that could get sick in the summer ugh" he groaned laying down. "I miss sleeping next to you" he whispered. I frowned at him. "I really need a shower"

"Want me to help you?"

"I dont feel up to it, but when I'm better I'm telling you, that's the first thing I'm doing" He said.

"What's the second?" I asked. He sat up and slowly kissed me. With tongue too.

"That" he said "Just with less of a chance of you getting sick"

"I got my flu shot" I said "Do that again" He smirked and kissed me again, same way. I smiled when he pulled back laying down. I pulled the covers over him and kissed his forehead. "Sleep well" he smiled and fell asleep immediately. I picked up the dishes running them downstairs. My mom was at the table alone now. She stared at me while I emptied the dishes.

"You love him?" she asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb, I see how you look at each other, do you love him?" I dropped the dishes in the sink.

"Yes" I said. I walked out of the kitchen before anything more could be said.

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