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I woke up in my dorm room with a sticky face from crying all night. Had I known my college let's kids stay over summer break if they had a valid reason I never would've left. It took me a second to come up with a valid reason but I made one. Or maybe I looked like hell so the guard just kinda let me through knowing my reason was bullshit. I picked up my phone and scrolled through the enormous amount of notifications. All from Pete and Brendon.

Brendon: Dude where are you Petes freaking out?

Me: The dorm DONT

Brendon: Okay

I put the phone down on the nightstand and hugged my pillow to myself. I closed my eyes but I couldn't sleep anymore. So I sat up and started brewing some coffee. Our dorms were mini apartments. Kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Luckily, Brendon was my roommate. That was purely by luck too. We couldn't choose our roommates. I poured the coffee in a mug and left it in the microwave so I could shower and make myself feel a little better. And by the time my shower was done Brendon was unlocking the door as I finished making my coffee. He walked in with Pete behind him.

"I told you not to tell him" I said.

"He saw the text" Brendon said "I'm sorry" Pete walked over to me with a glare set on his face.

"Don't!" I yelled. He didn't stop he just kept coming. "Don't touch me!" I pushed him back "Don't fucking touch me!" he grabbed my hands and pulled me against him. "I said don't touch me!" I screamed "I didn't consent to this! You're out of line!"

"I'm out of line!?" he yelled pulling back "You left! I don't care about anything right now except you! I didn't know where you were and neither did Brendon!"

"You don't have the right to care where I am" I growled.

"Why do you hate me so much! Why are you so fucking mean to me!? You opened up to me and now you're just mean! You're so fucking mean all the time!" he yelled. I stared at him in shock "I don't know why I'm trying so hard! I love you thats why!" I felt some tears fall down my cheeks "Can't you just stop building these stupid walls to keep me out!?" He stared at me waiting for a reply, but I just couldn't get one out. The room went dead silent. "I guess not, so I'm sorry for wasting your time and caring about you" He grabbed his shit and left "Brendon you're my ride!" he yelled outside the door. Brendon frowned at me.

"You know I'm your best friend-"

"Just go" I whispered. He went silent, but he nodded. He sighed a little.

"I love you, but he's right" he said. He closed the door behind him and that was that.

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