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[So i have like this love for owl city and he tends to inspire me a lot so yeah]

I took care of him for a solid week, that left one week till the wedding exactly. He came out of my shower rubbing his head with a towel. I sat on my bed with the thermometer in my hands. I stood up and shoved it in his mouth because he continuously protested to it. His medication made him loopy and he barely knew what was going on. Now that he was normal again I could do this. It beeped. I pulled it from his mouth and smiled.

"You're healthy again" I said sighing "Thank god" He smiled at me.

"Only because I had the best make shift nurse ever" He pecked my lips and walked by me to get dressed.

"Take it easy okay? You're still a bit weak" I said gently. I ran my hand through his hair and sat down on my bed again "If I see you doing any heavy lifting or hard exercise your ass is gonna get handed to you"

"Does sex count as hard exercise?" he asked tilting his head.

"Yes" I said. He crawled closer to me still shirtless. "No" I said poking his nose. He kept coming closer pushing me back on my bed. "Pete!" I laughed. He growled and pushed his head into my neck. I giggled a little. "You're such a dork" I laughed. He picked his head up and kissed my cheek. He got off of me then, finally, pulled a shirt on. "Do you have to put on a skin tight shirt? It's extremely teasing"

"You wanna hear something awful?" He asked "When the band got on the cover of rolling stone I decided to take my shirt off"

"I have that one" I giggled. I walked over to my band merch area and pulled it out.

"Oh god it's such douchebag behavior" he groaned "What was I thinking!?" I laughed and put the magazine down. "I'll have you know though, Joseph Trohman got me wasted right before that"

"Wow, how interesting" I said.

"I threw my bass at a wall once too during a VMA performance" he said "I'm a horrible influence" I smiled at him. "What?" he asked.

"Whenever you talk about your band or preforming your face lights up and I like it" I said. He smiled a little.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah" I said. He grabbed my hands.

"I'm in love with you" he sighed. I hugged him tightly.

"I'm in love with you too" I said.

"Yeah but, I put up with your anime watching obsessions. So I really love you, you fuckin weeb"

"You're so mean!" I squealed. I pulled away from him and pouted.

"Your playlist is anime openings" He said.

"It's not just anime openings" I said pouting "It's Queen, Elvis Costello, Elton John, and Fall Out Boy" His eyes met mine "You knew I liked your band" I said.

"You hate my singer" He said.

"Well see, thats the thing" I opened my phone "Brendons really good at editing songs, so I have a playlist with him singing on it, so I can hear your lyrics. And I have a playlist of him editing out the singing, so I can hear you play" He stared at me in awe "Okay, so I'm a little obsessed with you, doesn't mean I'm a fan of your lead singer" He grabbed my hands and kissed me. When he pulled away he laid his forehead on mine.

"You're amazing" he said.

"No, you are" I said "My playlist proves it"

"You give me song ideas Patrick Stump"

"Can I show you something?" I asked.

"Another scar?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head. "What is it?"

"No one knows" I said "I mean, no one so this is between us"

"What is it?" he asked gently. I sighed a little. I went into my closet and pulled my guitar out. "You play?" He asked. I sat down on my bed across from him. I started strumming out the beginning of the song I wanted to sing.

I'm tired of waking up in tears
Cause I can't put to bed these phobias and fears
I'm new to this grief I can't explain
But I'm no stranger to the heartache and pain

The fire I began, is burning me alive
But I know better than, to leave and let it die

I'm a silhouette, asking every now and then
Is it over yet? Will I ever feel again?
I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own
But, the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone
So I watch the summer stars to lead me home

I stopped and stared at him again. He gulped with wide eyes. A tear fell down his cheek.

"Why're you crying? Am I really that bad?" I asked sitting up. I used my sleeve to wipe the tears under his eyes.

"No" he croaked "It's the opposite, you're really that good" He stared at me trying to blink the tears away. "Jesus" He laughed "I'm such a baby, but, I know how relevant that song must be for you" I hugged him tightly. He buried his head in my neck.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" He said hugging me back.

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