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[My next chapter will be longer I promise lmao]

"I'm not fighting with you all summer Patrick!" My mom yelled "Clean up your act!"

"I'm twenty one years old!" I yelled "I can go out with my friends as I please!"

"Not Brendon!" she yelled "He's influencing you to be gay!"

"Have another drink mom" I snapped storming downstairs.  I slammed directly into Pete.  "Move" I said.  So he did.  I grabbed my bag off the ground. 

"Need a ride?" he asked.

"I don't need anything from anyone, never have never will" I pushed the screen door open and made my way to my car.  He ran out after me. 

"Wait" he said "Don't go okay?  It'll just make things worse.  Besides, you and I have to go tux shopping tomorrow"

"You can do it without me" I snapped.

"I'm trying to be your friend-"

"I don't need you to be anything to me!" I yelled.  I threw my bag in the back of my car "You're not my friend, you're just someone who lives in my house, and if I had the choice you and that stupid bitch would be spending your time somewhere else!" I got into my car slamming the door shut.  I started it but, I stopped.  I just sat there and sighed.  I got back out of the car.  "I'm sorry" I said gently.

"I can see that" he mumbled.

"Just, don't try to be my friend.  Don't try to be anything to me.  I'm not someone you want around" I got back in, this time I left.

Uncle Pete Where stories live. Discover now