Twenty Three

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[I have to end this im sorry😹😹]

*Two Years*

"This time I have both of you on my show" Ellen said to us "Because Patrick's famous now too" The audience cheered.  I blushed and stared at Pete.  "So there was this question I asked you before Patrick about two years ago.  I think it had something to do with, Pete asking you to marry him" Pete got up.  He held his hand out to me.  I stared at him in shock while he pulled me to my feet.  He smiled getting down on one knee.  The audience ooed and aahh'd. 

"So if I asked you to marry me right now would you still say no, or would it be a yes this time?" he asked.  I covered my mouth while tears fell down my cheeks "I love you, marry me?" he asked opening the ring box. 

"Yes" I said.  The audience cheered.  He stood up and slid the ring on my finger.  I smiled and kissed Pete.

"There you have it, I'm Ellen Degeneres and that's the end of our show today!  Bye everyone!"

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