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[I watched two animes in two days i need to calm tf down]

"Patrick!" My mom yelled.

"I'm not going!" I yelled angrily.  I turned my head to Pete again.  We glared at each other.  "But you better" I snapped. 

"I fucking am" He grabbed his jacket.

"Have fun with the fiancé you wont break up with" I snapped.   He slammed my bedroom door shut.  I sighed and sat on the bed.  I was definitely out of line for telling him to break it off with her.  I just wanted him to myself.  To sleep in my bed.  To be able to tell me he loves me in front of everyone.  I got up in tears and ran downstairs.  He was just about to walk outside.  I hugged him from behind and kept my cheek against his back.  "I'm sorry" I whispered "I shouldn't push you so hard I just, I'm a little selfish.  I want you to myself and I know you love me I just wish you could say it in front of everyone" I kissed his back "Have fun tonight" I whispered.  I let go of him and made my way upstairs. 
My bedroom door opened up while I was strumming my guitar.  Pete poked his head in. 

"Why're you home so-"

"I didn't go" he said.  He walked inside lugging a giant teddy bear.  I mean this thing was huge "I was buying you this" I covered my face.

"Oh my god this is so cringey" I laughed.  I put my guitar down and walked over to him. 

"You shouldn't have apologized Patrick, because I should've broken it off by now" He said "I'm sorry, I'm stupid, and I really, really love you" He smiled at me. I hugged him tightly. "I want you to meet my band" He said pulling away. He ran his hand down my head "You're important to me, and I think it's time they meet you"

"Really?" I asked smiling. He nodded.

"And I promise you, I'm done. I'll break it off tonight" he said.
I stayed upstairs while he did it. He told me to. I protested of course but he had a point, something could happen to me. She'd probably try to murder me. I sat up staring at the giant teddy bear in the corner of my room. My bedroom door opened slowly. Pete stared at me. He sighed holding up the engagement ring.

"She wung it at my head, and then gave me a black eye. But, I think I deserved it" He said. He shoved the ring in his pocket. "You know what? I'm just happy it's over"

"Me too" I sighed. He closed my bedroom door and climbed onto the bed. I smirked at him.

"What?" he asked.

"I think you know what I'm thinking" I said.

"I really hope I am" He smirked and leant in to kiss me. I leaned over the side of my bed and pulled my laptop off the floor.

"Anime marathon! Let's rewatch Death Note" I said happily. He stared at me in shock. I smiled widely at him. He sighed and moved up cuddling into my side.

"Let's find a new one" he mumbled laying his head on my stomach.

"One Piece?" I asked.

"No!" he yelled. I laughed. "800 episodes my ass" he grumbled. I smiled. 

"Fine, fine.  We'll watch something else"
I woke up to the sound of my laptop falling on the floor. 

"Piece of shit" I whispered closing it.  Pete snored hugging my waist.  We must've fallen asleep during the show.  I looked down at Pete.  His face was free from all the stress he had lately.  He held onto me for dear life like a child afraid of the dark, holding onto it's mother.  I almost considered waking him because it was almost nine in the morning, but I laid there, just watching him.  He snuggled his face against my stomach some more.  His nose crinkled and finally he opened his eyes.  He blinked and sat up quickly.  He looked at me now.  He shook his head trying to wake. 

"Hey" I said sleepily.

"When did was pass out?" he asked stretching. 

"I'm assuming during the show because my laptop slammed down onto the floor" I said.  He smiled lazily at me.

"You wanna meet my band today?" He asked.

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