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"Pete woah what's wrong?" Andy asked as we walked up to them. I still felt sick to my stomach. "Patrick you look so pale-"

"I'm fine" I whispered. They all frowned at us.

"I posted a picture of Patrick and I a little while back, and people have been calling him fat"

"What!?"Joe yelled "He's skinny as fuck!"

"I know that" Pete said. "The angle was weird, or something. But, it's really getting to him" I adjusted my shirt. "I wanna make a statement at the interview"

"That's cool with us" Joe said.

"Where's Noah?" Pete asked.

"He bailed" Andy said.  That eased my nerves a bit.  I nodded grabbing Pete's hand.  The two went out of the dressing room we were all in but, Pete and I hung back.  He pulled me into a rough kiss. 

"You're not fat" he whispered next to my ear.  He kissed my neck.  I let out a shaky breath "Do you hear me?" He nibbled a little "And even if you were who cares what they think?  You're sexy to me" He bit my lip lifting my shirt up slowly.  I think we forgot where we were.  He ran his hand up my body.  Then, he stopped everything.  I kissed him one more time.  We walked out together.  They all sat on a cute couch and I stayed behind stage watching on a TV.  I bit my nail as they ran through the basic questions, questions about the new album, questions about their love lives.  Pete froze.

"You're getting married soon right?" The interviewer asked him.  He shook his head no.

"Called it off" Pete said "It wasn't right"

"No connection?" He asked Pete.

"Something like that" Pete said.  He sighed.  He stared at the best friend necklace around his neck.  "I fell in love with someone else?" Joe and Andy both smiled at him. 

"Who is she?" the interviewer asked clearly surprised.  Pete grabbed the necklace. 

"It's uhm, it's not a she" Pete said "I'm gay" I stared at the TV in shock, and the interviewer almost looked pale.  Joe and Andy had wide eyes.  "His name is Patrick Stump, and he's a little bit of a mess right now"

"Yeah" Andy said "Because of some hate comments"

"People are saying shitty things and calling him fat" Joe said "And we all wanna tell them to shut the fuck up"

"My boyfriend isn't fat, and people need to start understanding that what they say can fucking hurt" Pete said.

"Yeah" Andy said.

"He threw up from the stress this morning and he keeps calling himself fat.  People like that are the reason others attempt suicide or starve themselves or hurt themselves.  It's not funny, it's hateful.  If I see one more comment on that post about my boyfriend being fat, I'm deleting my instagram all together"

"Be respectful" Joe snapped.

"Understand that your words have power" Andy said,

"It costs zero dollars to be a decent person" Pete snapped "So, try it someday, and leave my boyfriend alone"

Uncle Pete Where stories live. Discover now