Chapter 2 - A lifetime Stuck In Silence

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Zayn often found himself falling too hard for Harry, considering the circumstances. But how could he resist? Harry was everything Zayn had ever wanted. Zayn loved protecting his brother, and loved watching Harry smile. It was the best thing he had ever seen, watching Harry's green eyes light up and his lips to part slightly. Zayn really did love Harry, and did everything to take care of him. But sometimes, he had trouble. After all, he was a teenage boy looking after his handicapped little brother. Sometimes things got complicated.

"No," Harry said, shaking his head.

"Harry, we have to go to school," Zayn tried to coax Harry out of the house and towards his car.

"No," Harry repeated, staring off into the distance and not moving.

"Please," Zayn begged, not wanting to have to carry Harry - Harry hated that.

"Draw when we get home," Harry said, still staring off into the distance. Zayn stepped in front of Harry and grabbed his face gently, looking into his eyes. Sometimes it was hard to keep Harry's attention.

"Yes," Zayn smiled, "I will draw with you when we get home, okay? Now let's go, we have to get to school,"

Finally, Harry moved, letting Zayn hold his hand and lead him to the car. The drive was almost silent. The only noise was Harry's gentle humming, which Zayn smiled upon. Harry was a very creative and loved to do anything artistic, whether it be singing Disney songs or painting and drawing.

"Alright, Harry," Zayn said, hopping out of the car once they parked and running around to the other side, opening the door and grabbing Harry's hand, "Let's get you to class,"

Zayn walked Harry through the halls, his hand still entwined with Harry's, ignoring the looks and rude whispers being spoken.

"Don't want to go," Harry mumbled as they arrived in front of the special education room.

"It's okay, Haz," Zayn whispered, pulling his brother in for a hug, "I'll meet you for lunch, okay? And then I'll be here right after school and we can go home and paint,"

Harry simply nodded, getting distracted by as shiny object across the hallway.

"Hey," Zayn said, trying to regain his attention, "Class time,"

Harry nodded again, and then walked into his classroom, disappearing amongst the other handicapped kids. Zayn sighed and ran his hand through his hair, pulling his back pack further over his shoulder and then turning and walking to his first class. On the way there, he got sent looks of disgust. People judged Zayn because of his brother. And Zayn hated it. He hated how people treated the love of his life.

"Malik," One particularly cruel boy said, pushing Zayn up against the wall, "Just because I can't hit your brother, doesn't mean I can't hit you,"

And then his fist connected with Zayn's nose, making a sickening crack and sending blood gushing from his nostrils.

"Shit," Zayn cursed. The boy simply laughed and continued down the hall. But all Zayn did was take a deep breath, and continue towards his first class. He would take the beatings for Harry. If that's what it took to protect him, he would do it.

At lunch, Zayn tracked Harry down in the cafeteria and took him to the hidden corner table to eat. Harry loved food, and Zayn knew it was one of his favorite times of day. He tried to make it special and safe.

"How were morning classes?" Zayn asked.

"We talked about math," Harry said, his brow furrowing, "I don't like it,"

Zayn chuckled, "Its okay, charming. I'll help you later,"

Now, calling Harry charming had started almost a year ago, when Harry's obsession with Disney movies was at an all time max. He loved the idea of prince charming, and he loved the way he would always end up happy, even if he went through some hard times. So Zayn had picked up on the name, using it frequently.

"Mrs. Landon said I can't draw during class," Harry then frowned, pulling out his notes to show Zayn. Zayn stopped eating and eyed the notes, smiling down at the messy little cartoon drawings of Harry's favorite Disney characters.

"You have to pay attention in class, okay?" Zayn said, pulling out his own pencil and tracing the lines that Harry had drawn, darkening them and making them more accurate, "But I have to admit, charming, you are getting better,"

"Really?" Harry asked, his face lighting up.

"Really," Zayn smiled. That's when Harry eyes focused on Zayn's nose.

"Crooked," Harry said, his face twisting up as he reached forward, grabbing Zayn's nose. Zayn cursed and pulled away, catching Harry off guard. "S-Sorry," Harry stuttered.

"No, no, baby, it's okay," Zayn winced, "Just a bit of a mix up, okay? I am okay,"

The rest of the day went slowly for Harry. He hated his special class. All he wanted was to be in normal classes like Zayn. He wanted to learn was Zayn was learning so for once maybe Harry could help Zayn with his homework.

After the final bell rang, Zayn was there, like always, picking Harry up from his class and walking with him, hand in hand, towards the car.

"Zayn," Harry mumbled when they arrived at home.

"Yes?" Zayn asked as he pushed open the door into the house.

"I don't want dad to take me to his room today," Harry said, his voice empty and hollow sounding. Zayn's heart twisted and he bit his lip, leading Harry up to his room.

"I won't let him," Zayn said, "Not today,"

"Why does he do it, Zayn? Am I bad?" Harry asked, his voice still disconnected. Zayn opened the door into Harry's room and closed it behind them.

"No," Zayn said, wanting to cry, but not wanting to do it in front of Harry. Whenever Zayn cried, Harry cried too, "No, charming, you aren't bad. You are amazing,"

Harry didn't respond this time, he only cuddled down into his bed and waited for Zayn to gather the painting supplies. Harry and Zayn had a whole stash of paints and pencils and nice stock paper in the closet. Zayn had bought most of it with his own money, or for Harry's birthdays.

"What do you want to draw this time?" Zayn asked, settling the piece of wood they used as a hard surface into the bed and then placing a large piece of paper on it. Harry bit his lip in concentration.

"Princess Jasmine," Harry finally decided. Zayn smiled and pulled out the appropriate paints.

"Okay, charming, do you want a picture to draw off of?"

"No," Harry shook his head, grabbing the paint brush and holding it over the paper, letting it hover there for a moment, "I have a picture up here," He said, pointing to his head. Zayn smiled and nodded, hopping up on the bed and then reaching his hand over so it was on top of Harry's holding tightly.

"Ready?" Zayn asked. Harry nodded, and then Zayn pushed their hands forward, letting the brush slide against the paper. Zayn could see Harry's smile out of the corner of his eye, and he wished he could stay like this forever, if that's what made Harry happy.

They were almost done, just filling in the lovely blue green of Jasmine's pants, when their dad barged into the room, slamming the door against the wall. Harry and Zayn both jumped, causing the brush to slide across paper, ruining the entire painting.

"Harry, to my room," Their father sneered.

Harry stared at his 'father', his heart beginning to pound and his chest rising and falling rapidly. Then he turned and looked back to Zayn.

"Zayn," Harry whispered, "You said not today,"

"I know, charming," Zayn breathed, looking up to his father.

"Not tonight," Zayn managed to say.

"Zayn," His father growled, advancing forward and pulling the two boys apart, "Don't interfere,"

Zayn was then pushed off the bed, falling backwards and landing awkwardly on the ground, hurting his shoulder. By the time he was up, Harry was gone, and he heard the slamming of another bedroom door. Zayn couldn't do anything. He felt sick and powerless.

All that was left was the ruined picture and the unattended brush, which rolled along the bed, leaving a trail of blue-ish green color.

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