Chapter 19 - Not Really Sure How I Feel About It

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When Zayn woke the next morning, with Harry cuddled up in his arms and his head tucked into his tan neck, he couldn't help but to smile like a mad man. Last night had really happened. He and Harry had

            Zayn pulled himself away from Harry gently, slipping into bathroom to pee. And then he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

            What the fuck?

            How had Zayn not realized this until now? Harry had scratched all over his body, some of the cuts small, others larger, and they stung like hell. But Zayn had no regrets. He actually secretly loved these marks. They were proof of how much he and Harry loved each other. He sighed and looked in the mirror again.


            After he peed, he returned into the bedroom, watching as Harry stirred, coming to his senses.

            "Good morning, charming," Zayn breathed out, sitting on the bed next to Harry as he woke up and rubbed his hands over his eyes.

            "What happened?" Harry asked, reaching forward and tracing some of the cuts.

            "Your fingernails, charming," Zayn explained, grabbing his hand to show some blood caked under his fingernails, "But it's okay, I'm fine,"

            "Didn't mean to hurt you, Zaynie," Harry said, his face sad.

            "I told you, love, it's fine," Zayn reassured, grabbing Harry's chin and bringing their lips together, kissing him hard.

            They pulled away after a moment, and Harry was giggling like mad.

            "I liked what we did last night, can we do it again?" Harry asked, reaching forward and grabbing Zayn's crotch.


            "Oh," Zayn said, completely surprised with how straightforward Harry was being. But then again, the young boy didn't understand that normal people were subtle. He thought that this was normal. And Zayn thought that it was adorable. "Harry, babe..."

            "Please?" Harry asked, his eyebrows knitting together, "It felt really really good,"

            "I know, but  we shouldn't--"

            Zayn was cut off by Harry, who snaked his hand into Zayn's boxers, grabbing him in a tight fist. "Fuck it," Zayn muttered, grabbing Harry's hands and holding them back while he flipped them and began leaving a trail of kisses all over Harry's neck and face.


            "Zaynie," Harry giggled happily.

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