Chapter 19 - I'd Be Patient If I Had The Time

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It was next week that Zayn got called into Charlie's school. He was worried, to say the least, because he knew the Richard was a trouble maker. For all he knew, Richard convinced Charlie to skip class or ignore a teacher's instructions. He decided to leave Harry at home, because more than likely this was going to be too intense for his husband to handle.

Zayn walked into the school, heading straight for the office, and when he arrived, he immediately knew that this had been Richard's fault, whatever this is. Because Louis and Niall were already there, hand in hand, looking more worried than I felt.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Zayn growled, "Louis, what the hell did your son do this time?"

Louis chuckled nervously and held onto Niall's hand tighter.

"Cut us some slack," Niall breathed, "The last time we were called down to an office Richard got expelled from his last school,"

"That's exactly what I was afraid of," Zayn muttered under his breath.

"Zayn, Louis, and Niall Tomlinson?" A woman called, summoning them into the principal's office.

They walked inside, and Zayn's heart began to pound when he saw Richard and Charlie sitting in the corner of the room, their hands entwined, but Charlie was crying. Zayn wanted to kill Richard right then and there, but he didn't. He just took as deep breath and sat beside Louis and Niall.

"Thank you for coming down here," The principal said, "I am Mrs. Norman, the principal," Her face was blushed red as if she were embarrassed, "The circumstances on which I had to bring you down here are...very..." She couldn't even finish her sentence. Then she decided to skip right to the point, "Your sons PDA is getting out of hand,"

Zayn growled and bit his lip, wishing that this wasn't happening.

"We don't accept any public affection here, however, some does slip by. But today...I have never seen such an outwards...your sons were... it was not appropriate for school...."

The principal was so flustered she couldn't even get out the words she wanted to say. She was too embarrassed to say them in front of Niall, Louis, and Zayn.

"Richard, how about you tell them what you did," Mrs. Norman suggested.

Richard looked to Charlie and then back up.

"We didn't do anything that bad," Richard shrugged.

"Tell me what you did," Zayn warned. Louis and Niall were both silent, biting their lips.

"I sucked Charlie off, okay? What's the big deal?" Richard shrugged, grabbing Charlie and pulling them closer together, kissing his head.

"What's the big deal!" Zayn yelled, standing up, "I said NO SEXUAL RELATIONS."

"And I told you," Richard sighed, "That I wouldn't be able to resist his big cock,"

And that was it for Zayn, he grabbed Charlie's hand, pulling him up and out of the room before he attacked Richard in front of the principal and got sent to jail. Charlie said nothing as they left the building and got into the car.

"Dadda I'm sorry," Charlie cried.

"No, baby, it's okay," Zayn said, shaking his head, "It's not your fault,"


"Really," Zayn said, driving back home, "Richard is just a fucking cock slut," And then he caught himself, "Shit, baby, don't ever repeat those words,"

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