Chapter 5 - Come Fly With Me, Let's Fly, Let's Fly Away

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Zayn quickly made up his decision, asking Harry to stay at the hospital for only a few hours while he went and moved Harry's room into his own. He tore the curtains back, exposing his darkened room to the mid-morning sun.

He then retreated to taking down his paintings, laying them in a shoe box and stuffing it under his bed, before making his way to Harry's room where he un-tacked the beautiful artwork carefully, bringing each and every one back to his room. One of Cinderella and the mice, cleaning and singing there sweet tune. The next, Snow white being kissed by the prince. And finally, Harry's favorite of them all, Was Aladdin and Princes Jasmine, riding on the magic carpet, taking her to a wonderful place like Zayn wanted to do for Harry.

He wanted to take him far, far away, giving him a Castle as promised; A carefree life and a room where he could paint away all day, instead of being bombarded with school work. Because in Zayn opinion, Harry was too smart for all of that, and deserved to do whatever he pleased, every day, forever, and if painting was what his little heart desired, then painting it would be.

"What are you doing?" A deep voice growled. It had Zayn's skin crawling, shivers running up his spine. "I'm moving Harry into my room." He shot back, starting to pin Harry's paintings of colorful Disney scenes on his wall, first his princesses and princes, then the others in which had no theme, but came from Harry's head like a picture.

One of Oliver and company; a movie he enjoyed as a little boy, then Dumbo and Mickey Mouse.

"You're not putting him in here." He father ordered, Zayn's head whipped around. "I'm the only one who cares for him! He's staying in my room whether you like it or not, and if you want him, you'll have to get through me. Shove as many things inside of me as you want but never touch my little brother again!" With that, he shoved the man from his view, slamming the door tight and finishing their room.

He changed the gloomy dark sheets to bright green ones, the ones with little clovers that Harry loved. Next; he set up his and Harry's art supplies together, his on the right of his dresser, Harry's on the left and their stock paper right in the middle.

He knew painting was Harry's life, so it would be there main focus from that point on. His love would never have to worry about their father again because Zayn would take every beating; every rape, Zayn would take it like a man.

For Harry.


Once finished with his-their room, He grabbed a few paints and sheets of paper, making his way out to the car where he put the things in the back gently, taking the trip back to the hospital.

"Mr. Malik, can I have a word with you?" The morning nurse lifted her hand up in order to get Zayn's attention. "Yes Ma'am?"

The lady led him over to the counter where a very nice seeming, and very well dressed woman stood. "Mr. Malik, this is Ms. Edwards. She's a Social worker and she wants to speak with Harry. Do you think that would be okay?"

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