Chapter 25 - I'm One In A Million

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"He...he what?" Louis sobbed, not being able to stand the words he heard. The doctor stood there in his bloody scrubs---the apron he wore on top mustn't have kept him clean. All the emotions came crashing down on Louis and he felt like his legs were going to give out from under him. Time slowed down.

"Yes," The doctor gave them a sad smile, "He's okay,"

Louis collapsed now, falling to the ground, and Niall pulled him back up, wrapping his arms around his torso. They were all whispers and happy shared kisses. So many, 'I told you' and 'I love you's'.

"He's okay," Niall repeated back to the doctor.

"Yes, Richard is okay. He will regain consciousness soon I think, and we were able to successfully take care of the aneurysm." The doctor smiled.

"Can we see him?" Louis asked, wiping the tears from his face.

"Of course,"

The two men walked hand in hand, approaching Richard's bedside carefully. Richard wore a white bandage around his head, a bit of blood seeping through it where the stitches lay underneath the cloth. He was still hooked up to a few machines, but he looked better. There was more color in his skin and his body wasn't so shaky anymore.

"Baby," Louis sobbed, grabbing his son's hand. Niall wrapped his arm around Louis' waist and put his hand over Louis' and Richard's. "Everything is okay," He took a deep breath, "You are going to be okay,"


The small autistic boy's hand was held tightly by Niall's, and he was being led into the hospital room. Charlie felt butterflies in his tummy and he didn't know why. Uncle Niall and Louis said that Richard was okay. But then why were they still in the hospital?

"Can I touch him?" Charlie asked before they were even in the room. Louis and Niall chuckled.

"Gently," Louis said, "And don't go turning him on little man, he still can't move that much, and he is in no condition to get all worked up."

Charlie nodded, and slipped his hand away from Niall's as he stepped into the hospital room. Richard lay there. He was now breathing on his own, and awake. His eyes weren't all the way open, as he was too tired to even think.

"Richard!" Charlie giggled, running over to his boyfriend, slowly reaching forward and grabbing his hand. Richard's eyes opened more and he smiled, sitting up extremely slowly and grabbing Charlie's head.

"Richard," Louis warned.

But Richard was already kissing Charlie, their lips pressed together. Charlie took the initiative and sucked Richard's tongue into his mouth, making the older boy moan and writhe in pleasure. "Charlie," Richard whined, and God, it was filthy and beautiful, and Charlie loved it so much but he didn't know why. It made him feel so happy. "Charlie," Richard whimpered louder this time. The boy in the hospital bed reached forward and grabbed Charlie's shirt, pulling their lips closer together. "I love you," Richard continued to mumble into his boyfriend's mouth. Charlie loved the feeling that the vibrations gave him.

"Alright, enough," Niall said. Charlie pulled away obediently and licked his lips, Richard still not letting go of Charlie's shirt---not letting him get too far away.

"Are you all better?" Charlie asked.

Richard nodded, "I'm getting there,"

"And you'll come home and we can lay together and cuddle like we used to? And then when I get sad you'll comfort me?" Charlie asked innocently. Richard's heart pounded, because he was okay, and his baby was going to be okay. And he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.

"Anything you want, superman,"

"And then when you get horny, can I tie you up again and---"

"Charlie," Richard scolded, "Not here,"

"Okay, but we still will, right?" Charlie asked, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed carefully and playing with his boyfriend's fingers. Richard nodded sincerely. "And also can we go and get ice cream again, and maybe this time I can get you a necklace?"

Richard felt tears welling in his eyes. The adoration he felt toward the autistic boy was too much for him to handle.

"Uncle Niall, will I still sleep in Richard's bed?" Charlie asked.v

Richard's face twisted in confusion, "Why were you sleeping in my bed, superman?"

The blonde boy bit his lip, "Dadda...was mean to me. And Daddy said we were going to leave and stay somewhere better,"

"They left Zayn?" Richard breathed, looking to his fathers.

Niall and Louis nodded sadly.


Zayn sat alone, staring at himself in the mirror. He was wasting away. He no longer took time to style his hair or fix his appearance. If he didn't have his charming or his son, then he didn't care. He didn't care about anything.

"Zayn, open up!" Liam yelled, hitting his fists against the door.

Zayn walked down the steps and slowly opened the door.

"Shit, Zayn, you look like you haven't eaten or slept in days," Liam breathed, taken aback by his friend's appearance. Zayn said nothing, he only stared into the distance. "Are you okay, mate? Is there something I can do for you?"

"Bring Harry back," Zayn fell to the floor, his body trembling and shaking. Liam felt terrible, and he wanted to do something. But he knew that he didn't need to do anything. Harry would come back to Zayn, he always did.

He always will.


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