Chapter 8 - The Stars Shine Out For You

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Harry didn't understand. He didn't understand why Zayn pushed him in the car and turned around, not even looking back to wave. He didn't understand any of this.

The driver of the car was slowly being driven mad by Harry's loud wails and cries, letting out a groan and then, "C'mon kid, I'm taking you to a really nice house, okay? Calm down, it'll be okay,"

Harry didn't answer, because he didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Talking didn't come very easily to him, and if it wasn't Zayn talking, then he didn't feel like he had to respond at all.

They drove for a good thirty minutes, finally coming across a cute little suburb with large houses and beautiful trees. Harry's crying didn't stop, but he peeked his head up and looked out the window, admiring the beautiful view. He had never seen somewhere like this before. The houses were almost like castles, but they weren't quite right. They needed a little bit more to be like Harry's dreams. Thinking of castles only made him think about Zayn though, and that caused Harry to cry yet harder.

"Please, kid," The driver said, "We are almost there. Please stop crying,"

But Harry couldn't do that.

Finally the car came to a stop, and the driver hopped out, grabbing Harry's luggage from the back and opening the door. Harry didn't move. He just looked up at the driver with a confused expression on his face.

"Zayn?" Harry asked.

"I'm sorry," The man said, "He's not coming,"

"B-B-But..." Harry's cried amplified again, and Harry was about to scream, when a very nice looking woman came out of the house they were parked in front of. Harry looked at her kind brown eyes and the smile lines around her mouth, and decided that she didn't look too bad.

"Hello, Harry!" She smiled, reaching where the boy stood. Harry stepped back, a little scared by her outgoing attitude. However, the mood changed when she saw Harry's tears. "Oh, honey, it's okay," She cooed, trying to reach forward and pull the boy into a hug. Harry jumped away, however. He wasn't used to being touched, unless it was by Zayn. The only person other than Zayn that ever really touched him was his 'father'. And we know how that ended. "Here, sweetie, let's go inside," The lady said, grabbing Harry's bags and walking up the front path.

Harry whimpered, finding his body shaking, as he followed the lady up to the house.

"I'm Mrs. Payne," She said, smiling weakly to Harry. Harry nodded and bit his lip, his feet shuffling a bit. "And this will be your home for a while,"

When the door was opened Harry stepped timidly inside, looking at his surroundings and taking in a few shaky breaths.

"Do you like it?" Mrs. Payne asked.

"Want Zayn," Harry said, wiping his cheeks where the tears had dried.

"Who is Zayn?" She asked.

"Zayn," Harry mumbled, his watery blue eyes looking up to Mrs. Payne.

Mrs. Payne tilted her head sideways looking at her new foster child. She had always been one to help the kids with special needs, but she had never met a kid quite like Harry. He was different. He was able to communicate and talk, but at the same time it wasn't on his age level. It was obvious to Mrs. Payne that he was also very emotional. Some form of autism.

"Who is Zayn, Harry?" She asked, pulling the suitcase to the spare bedroom where Harry would be sleeping.

"My Zaynie," Harry cried, "Step-brother,"

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