Chapter 30 - You Cant Fly Unless You Let Yourself Fall

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Harry stood in his tux alone, his black dress shoes pressed together on the carpet of the art room. He stared at the pictures on the walls, smiling at the one of himself that Zayn drew with his special charcoal pencils. Then there was a knock on the door, and Louis walked in wearing a smile and a suit and tie.

            "Why can't I see Zayn?" Harry asked as soon as Louis was inside. Louis chuckled at the cute and pouting curly hair boy.


            "On your wedding day, you aren't supposed to see each other until the ceremony," Louis explained, walking up to Harry and pushing his now hair to the side, and making sure that it was styles perfectly. "And then, when you finally see each other, you get all happy because of how handsome you both look,"


            "Oh," Harry said in understanding, "So I get to see him soon?"

            "Of course, hun," Louis said, fixing Harry's bowtie, "Now, Liam will be in to check on you in a few minutes. I'm going to make sure Niall is ready. I tell you Harry, that boy takes longer getting ready in the morning than a girl,"


           Harry giggled and nodded gleefully as Louis turned and left the room.


            "I'm freaking out, Liam!" Zayn said miserably, straightening out his tightly fitted suit.

            "Take deep breaths," Liam soothed, "Harry loves you. Everything is going to be perfect,"

            "What if he doesn't understand what this actually means? What if he doesn't understand that this means we'll be together forever? What if he doesn't actually want this, but he thinks he does because he's so naïve?" Zayn panicked, biting his lip.

            "Zayn, don't think like that," Liam scolded, "Harry loves you more than anything in the whole world. I'm sure of that. Every time we talk you are the topic, okay? There is no one else he would rather be with,"


            Zayn nodded and ran his hands through his dark hair, his body shaking and starting to sweat. Suddenly Louis barged into the room and gave Zayn a chastising look.

            "No sweating in the suit, Mister!" Louis said, taking a towel to Zayn's forehead, "And calm down a bit, God, you are going to get up to the alter and pass out if you keep this up. And trust me, you don't want to faint until you see Harry. He looks fucking hot,"

            "Watch it," Zayn growled, "That my fiancé,"

            "What? I'm just being honest. You are going to freak when you see him in that freaking tux and bowtie, just...damn," Louis finished in a daze, shaking his head.

            "Hey!" Niall barged in, "Were you talking about me, Lou?"

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