Chapter 7 - This Is Our Temporary Home

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Zayn let out the longest breath he didn't even know he was holding in, his hand intertwined with Harry's perfectly, shaking with fear; the both of them.

"Don't look so scared honey, you're going to be okay." Mr. Edwards ensured, driving her silver car; clearly marked 'for government use only' back to the large grey building. "We'll try to put you into homes, but sadly there might not be one for the both of you so one of you may be put into an orphanage, until we can find a temporary home." She smiled.

It was such a fake smile. and it pained Zayn; it hurt so much to know he would be separated from the love of his life when he needed him most.

"Don't worry Hazz; I wouldn't leave you." He whispered, nuzzling his face into Harry's neck, were he kissed his collar bone, a whimper leaving Harry's lips.

He didn't want to lose Zayn; he was so nice to him, he was the only one who had ever been that way. "Don't go." Harry chocked, leaning his head against Zayn's. "I won't, I'll never leave you. We might get separated Hazz, but I'll always come back for you." He insisted, pulling Harry onto his lap now, there bodies intertwined, capturing each other's warmth.

"C'mon Kiddo's we have to find you homes!" Ms. Edwards seemed over cheery, opening the boys door and letting them out, were she lead them into the building, people giving them pitiful looks. "Ignore them Charming." Zayn wrapped an arm around his waist, leading Harry down the hall and into a large room were many secretaries sat.

"Ms. Edwards!" One called, earning the ladies attention while Harry and Zayn sat on cold plastic chairs, Zayn rubbing circles with his thumb on Harry's hip, the occasional kiss on the neck or cheek.


After an eternity of uncomfortable sitting, Ms. Edwards returned, smiling brightly. "Harry, we have some good news." She leaned down so she was eye level with the handicapped boy. "We found you a home, with the Payne's."

Harry smiled gratefully, his hands shaking. "C-Can Zayn come?"

Ms. Edwards sighed, shaking her head before walking away, he heals clicking against the ground; making Harry's heart pound. "Z-Zayn?" He stammered, turning to his brother. "Don't cry." Zayn told himself, taking Harry into his arms.

Horrid cries left Harry's lips, holding into Zayn for dear life, and that's how he stayed; crying loudly into his brothers chest; his body shaking and quivering, his teeth chattering and his limbs weak. "Shh, it's okay baby boy." Zayn subbed shapes on his back, pushing the cloth of his shirt out of the way to kiss his shoulder.

"Mr. Styles, it's time to go." The chirpy voice called, making Harry cry harder, screaming into Zayn's shirt. "Shh, Shh, it's okay charming, it's okay."

Harry only held on tighter, a pair of strong arms pulling his waist away from Zayn. "No! No!" He screamed, thrashing in the large arms. "ZAYN!"

Zayn's own tears trickled down his face, wanting to run up and save Harry but it would be impossible as the man tried harder to hold onto Harry. "It's okay charming, you have to go with them." Zayn's voice broke there, his hand covering his mouth as Harry thrashed, banging his head against the door, sending him into another seizure.

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