Chapter 28 - Today Was a Fairytale You Were the Prince

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2 Years Later

            Zayn awoke to the feeling of lips against his neck. A small smile crept onto his face and he opened his eyes slowly, tangling his hands in the boy's locks he had learned to love so much. Harry continued to bite and nip at his neck, eliciting small moans from his older brother.

            "Morning, charming," Zayn said, his voice thick and low from sleep.

            "Hi, Zaynie," Harry giggled, pushing his head into Zayn's neck.

            "Ready for the day?" Zayn asked, sitting up and stretching his arms over his head. Harry nodded and smiled, hopping up from the bed, and then grabbing onto the table when his legs wobbled. "Are you still sore from last night?" Harry nodded, grabbing his bum a bit, but, the smile never left his face.

            They headed into the bathroom where Zayn shaved while Harry brushed his teeth, their hips bumping as they swayed back and forth. The boys looked at themselves in the mirror with a sparkle in their eye, last night had been particularly rough and they were covered in scratches and bite marks.

            "Are you sure you are ready to move out, charming? Today is a big day," Zayn said as they dressed. They had been talking about moving out of the Tomlinson's residence for a while now. Harry was now 18, and had the ability to decide for himself. Zayn was 19, almost 20, and it gave him a sense of pride knowing that he would be moving into his own place, with his boyfriend, living their own happily ever after.

            "Yes," Harry smiled, "That way you don't have to tell me no when I want sex,"

            Zayn choked and then laughed, still finding it strange that Harry was so dirty. "I only say no because of Phoebe and Daisy, you are very loud and I didn't want them to hear you, charming,"

            "I don't care," Harry pouted, crossing his arms.

            Zayn chuckled and shook his head, finishing helping Harry get dressed, and then leading him downstairs where their suitcases were all packed up. The entire family was waiting-plus Maura and Niall-their faces slightly sad and Zayn wanted to remind them that they were literally moving only a few blocks away, to a castle that was perfect for him and Harry.

            "Why are you leaving?" Daisy asked, stepping forward and grabbing Zayn's leg.

            "We are only going a few blocks away, okay? And we are going there so that Harry and I can have more alone time," Zayn explained.

            "Fine," She pouted, returning to his sister's side.

            "Here," Maura said stepping forward and handing Zayn a copy of their book, "I heard that you didn't have your own copy, so I figured I would give you one as a new house gift,"

            Zayn smiled and thanked Anne, handing it to Harry who flipped through it happily. The book was titled, "Be My Prince Charming", and features many real life characters. The drawings were beautiful, childlike from Harry and mature from Zayn, the perfect mix.

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