Chapter 10 - You Won't Ever Find Him Being Unfaithful

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Harry settled in pretty well. The Payne’s house wasn’t that bad to him. Harry grew to like Liam a lot, and although he really missed Zayn and still cried over him, things got a bit easier. Everything was going absolutely perfect until Mr. Payne got home from his business trip. That’s when things got complicated.

            “Hello, Harry” Mr. Payne said, approaching the small curly boy, “I’m Mr. Payne,”

           Harry cowered away, hiding behind Liam.

            “Harry,” Liam said, “It’s okay. He’s nice,”

            “No,” Harry said, his body beginning to tremble, “No. Please, no,”

            “Harry, baby, it’s okay. He’s nice. See?” Liam said, walking forward and giving his father a hug. Harry still wasn’t convinced, and ran to his room, tears streaming down his face, not looking behind him. He was too afraid that he would see the man coming after him, about to do the same thing his ‘dad’ did to him.

            Once he was in his room  he hopped into the bed, sobbing into the pillows.

            “Zaynie,” Harry cried, “Zayn, I miss you,”

            His whimpers and pleas went unnoticed, by Liam, by Mrs. Payne, and by Zayn, who was miles and miles away, talking with Jay and having no idea how much Harry truly missed him.


            “Harry, you have to come out,” Liam said, knocking on Harry’s door. 

            “No,” Harry said stubbornly. He didn’t want to go out and face that evil man. He was afraid.

            “He’s not going to hurt you,” Liam said, knocking again, “At least let me in,”

           Harry huffed and then walked towards the door, opening it to face Liam.

            “No!” He yelled in Liam’s face. He was angry. So angry that Liam would want to make him face that evil man. Didn’t Liam understand what would happen? Harry shook at the thought and clenched his small hands. “You want him to hurt me?”

            “No,” Liam said, “No, baby, not at all. He’s not going to hurt you,”

            “Yes he is!” Harry cried jumping back onto his bed and pulled his blanket up and over his face.

            “No, he won’t” Liam tried to calm the boy, but he seemed to be past a point where Liam could help. “Why don’t you go into his room and just talk with him?”

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