Chapter 17 - He Pulled You Closer Said He'll Never Let Go

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"No," Zayn whispered to himself, his heart pounding as he eyed the two boys in bed together, "No fucking way," Zayn was having an internal war. What the hell was he supposed to do? He told Richard to leave his son alone. He told Richard to stay the hell away, but here he was, holding Charlie in his arms, their bodies pressed tightly together. He couldn't decide whether he wanted to go and rip Richard away from his son, or whether he just wanted to beat the shit out of him right then and there. He settled for the less violent route, simply hitting his fist against the wall, making enough noise to stir the couple in bed. Zayn's body shook with anger.

"Shit," Richard cursed. How could he have forgotten to go home?

"You have two seconds to explain this before I beat the shit out of you," Zayn said, his voice scary and low. Richard didn't move, he only grabbed onto Charlie tighter as they blonde boy woke up and oriented himself.

"Richard?" Charlie whimpered.

"It's okay, baby," Richard said, thinking about getting up. But every time he moved a searing sensation ripped through him, as if Charlie was still inside of him. Charlie had fucked him good.

"No, it's 'not okay, baby.'" Zayn mocked, striding forward and grabbing Richard, pulling him from the bed and throwing him on the ground. Richard moaned, feeling arousal when his ass hit the floor so hard. "You better tell me that my son is still a virgin,"

Richard looked up from the ground to the bed, where Charlie's blonde head peeked over the duvet.

"I'm sorry, sir," Richard said with practically no emotion, "I can't do that,"

Suddenly, Zayn pounced on Richard, hitting him square in the jaw and bottom lip, making blood splatter down Richard's chin.

"No! Dadda! No!" Charlie cried, jumping from the bed and pulled Richard into his arms, stepping in the way of Zayn so he could no longer punch Richard. "Don't hurt my boyfriend,"

Richard's heart exploded with warmth, and he just wanted to cry and kiss Charlie until it hurt, because Charlie has just claimed him, called him his boyfriend.

"Charlie, don't you see I am trying to protect you!" Zayn yelled, completely strained and upset.

"No. You are a meanie butt, Dadda. I love my Richard. He and I are going to be like you and Daddy, okay?" Charlie said, reaching over to Richard and wiping the blood that dripped from his mouth and down his chin. "You say sorry to my boyfriend," Charlie insisted.

Zayn's mouth fell open, and he suddenly felt like a stranger to the blonde boy. Who was this kid? And where did this attitude and strength come from? "Charlie," Zayn mumbled.

"Please, Dadda, why can't you just say sorry?" Charlie asked innocently, holding onto Richard tighter.

Zayn was speechless, but he forced himself to say something, "I'm sorry,"

Charlie giggled and smiled, hopping forward and pulling his Dadda in for a hug, which Zayn happily returned.

"Maybe I can try to accept this," Zayn's voice cracked, "For...for you," And then Charlie beamed, kissing Zayn's on the cheek and skipping back to Richard, kissing him on the lips. Zayn shook his head and bit his lip. Why was he suddenly okay with this? Well...he still was furious that Richard had taken his sons virginity. But...but Charlie was happy. "I'm surprised you can walk," Zayn whispered, looking at his son.

Richard chuckled and turned to Charlie, "I love how everyone thinks you bottom,"

"You...what?" Zayn was completely caught off-guard. And suddenly, some of his anger faded. Because his son wasn't being plowed, he was the one fucking Richard. He was the one owning him and pushing into him as deep as he could go. Zayn wasn't sure why it made things better, but it did.

"Yeah," Richard sighed, "I'm a power bottom,"

Charlie giggled, "I pushed myself into him until--"

Richard interrupted, "No, superman, you can't tell people that,"

Zayn had a sudden flashback to when this first started happening to him and Niall.


"Oh," Zayn mumbled, blush rushing to his cheeks as Jay walked in. Harry only giggled and then pouted.

"Zayn, why did you stop?" Harry asked, "I thought we were going to do what we did last night. You remember? Sex?"

"Harry," Zayn hushed, blushing even more. Jay chuckled and sat at the end of the bed, handing one of the tea cups to Zayn, who was now off of Harry and sitting with his back against the headboard. He mumbled a thank you, hoping that the blush would fade off of his face, but it didn't seem to be going anywhere.

"Zayn?" Harry asked again, staring to pull of his boxers.

"Harry" Zayn yelled, stopping him, "Not with Jay here, we don't do that when there are other people around, okay?"

Harry's eyes widened, but he nodded anyway.


"Just because my son likes you, doesn't mean that I do," Zayn finally said, "But if this is going to happen, there have to be ground rules."

Richard nodded and kissed Charlie on the head, while the blonde played with his beautiful silver necklace.

"You can't be here later than nine," Zayn started, "You treat him better than you treat anyone else. You take him out on real dates. You take this relationship seriously. And you keep sexual relations to a minimum,"

Richard smirked, "I agree with all of that," Then he sighed, "But I don't think that I will be able to stay away from your son's big cock for long,"

And Zayn had been so good controlling his emotions, but at that, he snapped, jumped and hitting Richard yet again, right in the eye. Surely it would be black tomorrow.

"Dadda!" Charlie yelled.

"I take that back," Zayn growled, "There should be no sexual relations. Better get nice and friendly with your hand, Richard,"


"What the hell happened to you?" Niall yelled as soon as his son walked into their house. Richard's blood had dried over his lips and chin, and his eyes was already black. Richard shrugged off his father.

"Oh, God!" Louis yelled, joining Niall at Richard's side.

"It's nothing," Richard groaned, shaking his head.

"No! Someone hit you!" Louis said, gently caressing his son's face.

"It was Uncle Zayn, okay?" Richard groaned, "I forgot to come back home last night...after..."

"Oh," Niall said in realization.

"What?" Louis yelped, not understanding.

"I...I spent some time with Charlie last night," Richard explained, stepping a limp forward. And suddenly, Louis understood.

"Zayn found you in Charlie's bed,"

"Yes," Richard groaned, "He didn't like it very much,"

" still had sex?" Louis smiled, "And you're a power bottom? I'm so fucking proud!"

Richard shook his head at his father's and limped up the steps, "You are both crazy," He muttered.


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