Chapter 17 - Something That You've Never Had

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Zayn's sat with his head in his hands, tugging at the roots of his black hair.

It had been a few days sense Harry's outburst and he had become more persistent about Zayn doing...That, to him. He used every situation to touch Zayn inappropriately like Louis and Niall would do, but Zayn found himself pushing the curly boy away or telling him to knock it off, making his little brother cry over and over again.

And in all honesty, he didn't want to make Harry cry. He wanted to do all those pleasurable things with the curly. He wanted to have him bent over the end of the bed while the darker took him from behind, making the younger whimper for more but Zayn knew better.

He couldn't have that with Harry, not now, not ever. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he took that one shred of innocence from Harry.

But now, Harry sat in the corner of Louis room, everyone else out doing their own thing. Niall and Louis were down by the lake, the girls took the horses for a ride and Jay was probably gardening. While Harry finally figure out how to work the laptop in which he saw Louis looking at pictures of people doing that thing he caught Niall and Louis in the middle of.

Within minutes, he learned it was called sex and Harry really enjoyed watching people have it. But it made him even more frustrated toward Zayn. Did he not want to make Harry feel good? Did he despise him, depriving him of such a luxury?

The girl on the movie moaned and Harry didn't like that. She was yucky, why would he put his privets there? Isn't that were babies come out? Harry stuck his tongue out, exiting off that movie and finding another one with two boys. He liked those ones better.

The two boys seemed to be enjoying each other, kissing hungrily and it made Harry 's downstairs ache.

By the time both boys were stripped down to nothing, Harry found himself throbbing to be touched. The only problem was, he didn't know how...Why did it hurt so bad, and why couldn't he make it go away?

He pulled his pants down so he sat on in his boxers, the head of his cock pocking through the slit in his boxers. "Go away." Harry groaned, trying to push his pulsating member back into his boxers but when he touched it, god, did it feel good. So he did just that; he fondled himself, staring at the movie that played loudly, the couples rough sounds filling Niall's ears and burning a hole in his head.

He didn't feel so confused anymore because this did feel good and he understood what Louis was talking about. But he still didn't understand why Zayn wouldn't have sex with him, it was just sex? Wasn't it going to make Zayn feel good too?


Jay finished cleaning the girls room, stuffing there toys back in the toy box and picking the hamper back up where she headed for Louis room to collect his dirty socks.

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