Chapter 30 - My Heart Tied In A Knot And My Stomach In A Whirl

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It was a few weeks later that Harry was finally turning thirty five and they once again; found themselves in the Tomlinson's large white home. The party was rather quiet, the family hushed on the still soft topic of Mark and Jays divorce. After almost twenty five years, the two split after Jay discovered Mark was unfaithful.

But it was beside the fact, because Jay was hysterical. What happened to her little boys? What happened to the little Hazza she meet in the hospital who ate them out of house and home in chicken nuggets and was always singing Disney songs a bit too loudly?

And what happened to scruffy haired, seventeen year old Zayn who would lazily stumble down the stairs with Harry on his back? They were grown ass men and why did it take her this long to realize it?

"I just-I can't believe you're all grown up? My little baby Hazza is all grown up." She wept, kissing the top of his head.

It was then that the Malik's had arrived, Zayn's birth mother and sisters running to his side, Saffaa who was still quite playful in her late teens, tugged at his shirt and giggled.

"Hi honey," Patricia held out her arms and Zayn feel into them, smiling. "Hi mum," He sighed contently. He was growing closer to his mother, who a main reason was for is recovery, besides Liam of course who trotted in with his latest babe, Ali.

Yes, his previous girlfriend Danielle had been a bust, but that didn't mean the thirty seven year old Lawyer wasn't on the dating scene? Besides, to his claim, Ali was different than Dani who was long forgotten.

"Li-Li!" Charlie cried, he too stood in the dining room with eh rest of their small family who gathered with pretends for the birthday boy.

"Hey there Charlie, how are you buddy? You remember Ali don't you?" Charlie blushed and nodded, wrapping tiny arms around Liam and snuggling into his chest, still making googoo-eyes at the beautiful girl.

"No flirting Charlie, I think Richard is getting lonely without you." Liam snickered, gesturing to the bad boy, dressed in is leather jacket snap back who sat with his head in his hands, checking his watch over and over as if he were waiting for something?

Charlie giggled and nodded before climbing out of the strong arms and rushing back to Richard who smiled hesitantly and pulled the lad onto his lap where he staid till it was time to open presents.

"This one is from me, Harry," Jay gestured to a bag, grabbing it and handing it to Harry who held it on his lap. When he opened the bag, there was a picture frame wrapped in red warping paper. He tore it away and there lay the Simba and Nala painting he had given to Jay when he first met her and Zayn promised himself he wouldn't cry but the look on Harry's face said it all and he let it slip, kissing the top of Harry's head while he thanked jay and set it down on the table.

"Daddy this one is from me," Charlie said, picking up the box which was sloppily wrapped and covered in tape, making it difficult to get into, but with Zayn's help, they unwrapped it fairly quickly and Harry found himself face to face with a three-foot tall Aladdin doll.

He squealed, maybe a bit too loudly but the autistic boys hugged and smiled, while Harry worked to get the figure out of its box and hug it of so tightly, Zayn's rubbing his shoulders gently and smiling.

Harry finished unwrapping his gifts from the rest of the family, resaving mostly Disney items, besides a gold necklace from Zayn and a sexy little outfit from Niall and Louis because why the hell not?

It was green and looked like something a girl might wear but Harry didn't care, because the look on Zayn's face told him he in fact would be wearing that tonight, no madder how much the leprechaun outfit intimidated him, or the skirt seemed to be...feminine. Or even the little hat in which Zayn grabbed and placed on Harry's head.

Of course, Charlie being Charlie, cringed, along with the younger children and Jay, but hey, men will be men?

It was later that they finally finished unwrapping and had there cake and now they all stood in the backyard, the Tiki torches lit and beers in hand while the younger children ran around the yard, including Harry and Charlie who played with their relatives while Richard seemed to follow Zayn around like a lost puppy.

Finally, when Zayn had ben feed up with the obvious stalker like behavior, he huffed and turned to the lad who stood behind him.

"Richard, what's going on...You've been acting strange all night. Is something bothering you? Is something wrong with Charlie?" Zayn crossed his arms and stared intently at the lad who gulped. Zayn sure was intimidating.

"U-Uhm, Yeah can we...go inside?" He asked, pointing to the door in which Zayn lead him to and walked inside unnoticed.

He pulled out a chair at the dining table, still scattered with plates of cake and wrapping paper. "Okay, spill it. What's been eating you up?" Zayn crossed his arms again and slouched back, trying to read Richards nervous face.

"O-Okay...truth is, well...I came in here for your...blessing." He bit his lip. "I know, its early, and I don't plan on doing it for a few years but I just want to know...when the time is right, if you would allow me to...Marry your son." Richard bit back a whimper and stared into Zayn's eyes intently.

What he okay with this? Was he going to leap over the table and punch Richard right in the jaw? "Rich, why are you even thinking about this? Your only sixteen for Christ sake...I wasn't even thinking about sex at your age. Yeah, later that year you couldn't get me and Harry off each other but I sure as hell wasn't thinking about marriage!"

Zayn wasn't yelling, he was smiling through the whole little speech but Richard was still scared. "I-I don't know...I guess, I just...I want to make sure I have my life in order before we tie the knot. And I want to, I want to make him all mine and I what the world to know it, but I guess i just...thought I would get past the asking you part while I still had the courage. So what do you say? Can I marry Charlie?"

Zayn rolled his eyes and smiled. "Of course you can marry the kid, but he's a damn fool if he says yes." Zayn chuckled and patted his nephews back to sighed in relief and got up to hug Zayn.

Yeah, thinking about marriage right now was stupid but he felt ready, ready for an adventure.


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