Chapter 12 - Dont You Worry Your Pretty Little Mind

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"Are you almost ready for school?" Zayn asked Charlie, who was halfway dressed, his shirt that he picked out lying on his bed. Charlie looked up to his Dadda and smiled. "Charlie?" Zayn asked, noticing a shiny piece of sliver dangling from Charlie's neck, "Where did you get that?"

Upon closer inspection, Zayn saw that it was a superman S, and as cute and as perfect as it may be, he was worried. Where had his son gotten this?

"Where did you get that necklace?" Zayn repeated. Charlie giggled and grabbed the silver piece.


"When did you see him?" Zayn asked angrily, his golden eyes turning practically black in worry and anger.

"It doesn't matter," Charlie laughed, skipping to his bed and throwing his shirt over his head, pulling it on and situating it. Zayn growled and stepped back, looking at his innocent little son who was being altered by a 'bad boy'.

"Give it to me," Zayn requested, sticking his hand out.

"No," Charlie said, giving his Dadda a funny look.

"Charlie," Zayn warned.

"No," Charlie repeated, "Richard gave it to me special,"

Zayn just dropped it, because his new rebellious autistic son would never give up something so special and dear to him.

Later, when Charlie arrived at school, he was ecstatic to find out that Richard would be going to the same school as him again. They were both in high school, different grades, but still in the same building. Charlie wanted to run and find Richard, but he didn't know where to look. So, he went through his normal day schedule. That is, until hands wrapped around his eyes in the hallway and everything went black.

"Who is it?" Charlie giggled, trying to feel the body behind him.

"Guess, superman," Richard smiled.

"Richard!" Charlie said, breaking free of Richard's grasp and turning to give him a hug, kissing his neck lightly.

"Hey, babe," Richard smiled, "We get to go to school together again, just like old times,"

Charlie giggled and held onto Richard tighter, trailing his hands over Richards muscles tummy and giggling. Little did naïve Charlie know, he let his hands a trail down a little too low, and his small pale hand caressed Richards crotch gently.

"Oh," Richard gasped, grabbing Charlie's hand with a smirk.

"What did I do?" Charlie asked, with a smile. Richard's pants were becoming too tight and he wanted nothing more but to undress Charlie right here in the hall. He contained a moan and dragged his blonde counterpart down the hall and into the bathroom. "I don't have to go potty, Richard," Charlie said.

"We aren't going to the bathroom," Richard smiled, pulling Charlie into the largest stall, "I want to show you something,"

"Okay," Charlie giggled.

"It's fun, and it feels good, I promise,"

"Okay, Richard," Charlie nodded happily. He trusted Richard with everything he had.

Slowly, Richard leaned forward, kissing him on the lips gently, something Charlie had been enjoying more and more. Richard's hands snuck down Charlie's torso, about to unbutton his pants, when someone else entered the bathroom.

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