Chapter 10 - And My Daddy Said Stay Away From Juliet

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"Where is Richard?" Charlie asked, wiping his tear stained face on his sleeve. Zayn clenched his fists angrily.

"Charlie, I don't want you seeing him again, do you understand me?" Zayn asked. Charlie shook his head and screamed, crying harder.


"Hey, listen to me," Zayn insisted, trying to get his son's attention, but failing miserably. Zayn was so distracted. Harry was in the background crying, because he hated when Charlie cried. It was a never ending circle of tears and Zayn couldn't handle it. "Richard is a bad kid, Charlie,"

"No! NO!"

Zayn had never seen Charlie this hysterical before, and he was taken aback, truly shocked. Charlie ran across the room, grabbing a toy from the ground and throwing it. It almost hit Zayn, but luckily he ducked in enough time. It hit the wall though, created a hole in the dry wall. Zayn groaned and then walked over to Charlie, wrapping his arms tightly around him like a bear hug, not letting him thrash any longer. Zayn didn't want him to hurt himself.

"I want Richard," Charlie cried, "I miss him again,"

"You shouldn't see him again, baby,"

"WHY NOT?" Charlie screamed, his thrashing slowing down in his father's arms, "Dadda, I want to see my Richard,"

"He's not your Richard...He's just...just Richard," Zayn said.

That's when Charlie pulled out of Zayn's arms and ran out of his room, down the hall, down the steps, and into the laundry room, where he locked the door. Zayn groaned and then walked to comfort Harry, who was crying quietly in their room on the bed. Zayn crawled up next to his husband and hugged him comfortingly.

"Sh, charming, stop crying," Zayn whispered, kissing over Harry's face.

"Is Charlie okay?" Harry sobbed.

Zayn nodded, "Yes, baby, he is. Now calm down, love,"

Harry nodded, and slowly clamed himself, holding onto Zayn for dear life, "Will Charlie be happy again?"

"Yes, charming," Zayn breathed, kissing Harry's lips, "He will be happy again. He will be happy when he realizes we are keeping him safe,"

"Okay," Harry was completely calm down, and the kisses were becoming heated. "Where is Charlie?"

"In the laundry room,"

"For how long?"

"Long enough,"

And then Zayn pushed Harry into the mattress, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it across the room. He would take any intimate time he could get with his charming now-a-days.

"Zaynie," Harry whimpered, "Now!"

"Whoa," Zayn chuckled, "No foreplay?"

Harry practically ripped Zayn's pants down, a growl escaping his throat, "Zaynie, please!" It was needy beg, and Zayn was not one to hold out on something like that.

And then the bed was rocking, and Zayn was reminded of their wedding night, and he couldn't help but to smile and move his hips even faster, biting into his husband's neck. Hopefully Charlie was still in the laundry room, oblivious to the screams and whines coming from above him.


The phone rang, and Charlie wondered if his daddies would get it. It rang a few more times, and Charlie wondered out of the laundry room, looking for his parents. But they were nowhere to be found. Even though they told him not to answer the phone, he couldn't just let it ring, right? He giggled and walked over to the phone, the tears drying on his cheeks.

"Hello? This is Charlie!" Charlie giggled, "What can I help you with today?

"Charlie?" The voice asked.


"Do you know who this is, Charlie?" The voice asked.

"No!" Charlie laughed. He liked talking on the phone, "Are you going to make me guess?"

"Yes, but I'll give you a hint. I took you out to see the stars,"

"Richard!" Charlie exclaimed happily.

Richard laughed, "Yes, it's me, babe. Now, listen. I want to come see you, but you have to do something special, okay?"

"Okay," Charlie agreed, "What?"

"When your daddies put you to bed tonight, don't actually fall asleep. Go to your window and wait there, I will come get you," Richard said.

"Is that okay?" Charlie asked. Wouldn't his daddies be upset with him again?

"Yes," Richard said, "But you can't tell anyone about it. You have to keep it a secret, or else I won't be allowed to see you,"

"Okay, Richard," Charlie grinned, "Anything to see you!"

Richard's heart was warmed by the younger boy and he wanted nothing more than to hold him close and kiss his head, "Okay. I'll see you tonight,"

And then the line went dead. Charlie dropped the phone, not knowing any better, and walked away, leaving it dangling from the wall by the cord.


"Harry, did you use the phone?" Zayn asked, putting the dangling phone back on the wall. They only had one phone with a cord, and they rarely used it.

"No, Zaynie," Harry said, still lit up with his after orgasm glow.

"Huh," Zayn said, glancing around, "Charlie!"

"Yes, Dadda?" Charlie giggled, walking towards Zayn from the liging room.

"Did you pick up the phone when we were upstairs?"

Charlie looked at Zayn and smiled, about to say yes. But then he remembered what Richard said. If he told anyone, then he wouldn't be allowed to see him. So he did something he had never done before. He lied.

"No, Dadda," Charlie said, "I don't answer the phone,"


That night, after Zayn and Harry tucked their baby in, Charlie stood by his window, his heart pounding and his stomach giddy. Charlie didn't understand why he liked spending time with Richard so much. It made him feel funny.

Finally, he saw a shadowy figure walk into the backyard, and begin scaling the side of the house with ease.

"Hello, Charlie," Richard smiled when Charlie opened the window for him. He hopped down into the room, and pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you," Charlie said.

"I missed you too, babe," Richard said with a cocky grin.

"What are we going to do?" Charlie asked.

"We are going to sneak out the front door, and then go get some late night ice cream, how does that sound?" Richard suggested, knowing that climbing the side of the house was not an option with Charlie. Charlie giggled.

"Okay," He said, "I love you,"

"I love you too, Charlie,"


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