Chapter 23 - It's Been Written In The Scars On Our Hearts

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"Zayn, come out and eat with us," Louis said, sticking his head into the art room. Zayn's face was down close to the paper, his fingers covered in paint.

            "Can't," He mumbled, "I have a few more things to fix first,"

            "Okay, well, when you're done," Louis said, heading towards the kitchen.

            Harry still continued to refuse to leave his room, he was still pouting in there. It hurt, a lot. Zayn's heart was still heavy, and he missed holding his charming in his arms and kissing him, and being with him in everywhere. God, he missed it. He didn't feel whole without Harry. He would never be whole without Harry.

            Zayn stopped what he was doing, his paintings now perfectly up to his standards. He was ready to show Harry, and sing to him, he was ready to have his love back. Zayn hoped that it would work, because if it didn't, Zayn wasn't sure what he would do. He couldn't just go on.

            He headed to the kitchen where the entire family was seated, save Harry The curly boy still refused to leave his room. The only person he let in was Liam-when he visited every day at lunch time. And if that didn't break Zayn's heart, he wasn't sure what would.

            "Zayn, we need to talk about Ms. Edwards," Jay said as he sat in his chair next to Louis. Zayn bit his lip.

            "I'd rather not," He said.

            Jay gave him a disapproving look and then folded her hands on the table. Louis was sitting silently, and the girls were so distracted at the moment, Jay new that it would be okay to continue with the conversation. "Zayn I need to know what really happened,"

            "I already told you," Zayn spat, anger filling him, "I didn't do anything! She just....she just fucking kissed me!"

            That got the girls attention. Daisy and Phoebe had never heard Zayn use that kind of language before. It scared them.

            "Sorry," Zayn muttered, dropping his head into his hands.

            "Honey, it's fine," Jay tried to pull off a half of a smile, but didn't really get it right, "Girls, why don't you head up to your rooms for a moment, and I'll call you back down when we are going to start eating,"

            The two young girls nodded, and gave Zayn more sad glances, before scurrying away.

            "I'm sorry," Zayn mumbled, tears forming in his eyes, "I'm...I'm falling apart. But I didn't do anything, I swear. I didn't lead her on, or ask her to kiss me. It really wasn't me. I promise,"

            "I believe you," Jay said, "But, I need to know what you would like done with Ms. Edwards. I haven't reported her yet, because...I wasn't exactly sure what happened."

            "I don't care what happens to her," Zayn said grabbing his hair, "I just want Harry back and I never want to see that bitch again,"

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