Chapter 22 - We're Not Broken Just Ben

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    Zayn's brush worked against the canvas, creating a painting of a young, lost boy. He was sad and crying, his knees curled to his chest with his curly hair sticking in all directions.

             "Charming," Zayn sighed, wanting to caress the face that belonged to the boy in the painting. "I'm so sorry." Zayn cried, crouching and leaning his head against his hands, his elbows rested on the table beside the easel.

             What if Harry didn't forgive him? How would Zayn lives without Harry wrapped in his arms? The mess of blond hair tickling his face when he woke to the sweet smell of breakfast, Harry's tiny hands tracing patterns on his lower stomach with his head rest on Zayn's broad chest.

             Zayn cried for some time, tugging at the hair on his head before he straightened himself up, taking a deep breath and turning on the radio which played Read All About it by Emeli Sande and Zayn knew just who the song reminded him of, His tears braking through again.


             He whipped his eyes, singing along to the song...That was it! What if Zayn sung Harry a song? A song of triumph and betrayal and Love. Something Harry would melt for, something the younger would understand.

             But surly, a stunt like such couldn't be put to the test alone.

             Zayn whipped his hands off, swinging the art room door open and rushing up the stairs to Louis room were the door was closed, muffled sounds ringing in Zayn's ears but he paid no mind. He pushed the door open, disturbing the sexually active couple who tore apart. "Zayn what the hell!" Louis screeched, pulling the blankets around the two.

             "Can you guys sing?" Zayn asked franticly, pacing around Louis room. "What?" Niall whipped his mouth, staring at the distorted boy in front of them. "I want to sing for Harry, but I can't do it alone! Can you guys sing or not!"

             Louis and Niall looked at each other, shrugging.


             The next day the boys found themselves in the art room, Jay rushing in and out with song ideas, but none fit like Zayn wanted them too.

             Nothing seemed right for such a magical person; such a beautiful soul.

             "C'mon Zee, we've been at this forever!" Niall groaned, flipping through his songs, pressing play but each one Zayn shot down.

             Just then Lottie skipped into the room, smiling brightly. "What are you guys doing?" She giggled, propping herself up on the table. "Trying to find a song for Zayn to sing to Harry, but he doesn't like anything." Louis groaned, walking over to Niall and cuddling into his side.

             "Here, how about this?" She laughed, scrolling through her phone, clicking on a song that started out slowly.

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