Chapter 16 - How Can You Understand

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When Zayn woke up, he found that the girls had already gotten up, and they somehow managed to escape without waking him or Harry. He stared at the beautiful curly boy in his arms and couldn't help but to smile. His stomach twisted, but in a good way. His baby was back. Harry was here for good. In his castle.

"Zayn," Harry suddenly whispered, rolling over and facing his older brother. Zayn smiled and stared into Harry's beautiful eyes.

"How did you sleep, charming?" Zayn asked.

"Good," Harry smiled, snuggling further into his favorite pair of arms and pressing his lips against the tan chest.

"Ah," Zayn moaned, a small smile playing on his lips. It felt so good, and he just couldn't help himself. Slowly but surely, Zayn's resolve was breaking, and he found himself completely encompassed by Harry and everything he did.

"Kiss?" Harry asked, bringing his lips close to Zayn's. Zayn wanted to, God, he wanted to. But there was a part of his brain telling him that this was wrong. In the end though, he still kissed him. Harry's lips moved gently, and then opened up, hoping that Zayn would put his tongue in his mouth like he did last time. He had really liked that. As if Zayn knew what Harry wanted, he stuck his tongue into Harry's mouth, licking over the roof of his mouth and getting a good taste of him.   

Harry whined into Zayn's mouth, wanting to feel this forever.

Zayn pulled away then, giving Harry a small smile, "Do you really like that, charming?"

A small giggle escaped the curly's lips and he nodded, pressing his lips to Zayn's again. "My neck?" Harry asked.

Zayn smiled, knowing what Harry wanted and then attached his lips to Harry's neck, nipping and sucking gently. The moans coming from Harry's lips were so guttural and whiny. Zayn withered at the sound; latching his lips onto Harry's collar bone and sucking lightly, before leaving a prominent bite. 

"Zayn!" Harry screeched, pulling him even closer. His legs wrapped instinctively around the Greek god, grinding there crotches together. "More," Harry panted, Zayn's mouth working wonders against his porcelain skin. "No Charming, we should stop..." Zayn breathed, pulling himself off the curly. "C'mon, let's have breakfast..."  

Harry settled in amazingly well. He had his Zayn, and a whole castle that adored him. It was everything he had always wanted. Harry found something particularly interesting about his new castle though. Niall and Louis. Harry had seen them kiss sometimes, and he found it so different from the way he and Zayn kissed. They were more rushed, more grabby and touchy. And once, Harry had even see Louis grab Niall's crotch. He didn't understand what it meant or what it was, but it made him curious.   

One night, when Zayn was cleaning up the paints in Harry's special room, Harry snuck away and upstairs. He heard strange noises coming from Louis' room, and he wanted to know what was happening. So Harry walked up to the door, cracking it lightly, and staring in.

The room was dark, but Harry could see two figures on the bed. Louis was hovering over Niall, his hips thrusting into the younger boy over and over, making him grunt and cry out. Niall's hands were grappling to Louis' back, leaving claw marks as he begged. Harry's heart began to pound. This is what his 'father' had done to him. Harry didn't understand. He thought Louis loved Niall. Why would he hurt him? Harry didn't like this at all.

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