Chapter 18 - And That's The Way I Loved You

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On Monday, with Zayn permission, Richard picked up Charlie for school, walking to the door and knocking on it where he was greeted with a pair of small arms wrapping him. "Richard!" Charlie mumbled into his shirt. "Hey Superman, are you ready for school?"

Charlie giggled and nodded his head, turning around to face his dadda who held his lunch and his backpack. "I want you going straight to school. No pit stops, not sightseeing, School, class then straight home, do you understand?" Zayn scolded, handing his son his things.

Charlie nodded, giggling. "Charlie go wait in the car I need to have a talk with Richard."

Charlie waved and skipped to the car where he got in and buckled up.

"I don't like you Richard, I don't like the things you're doing to my son but I can't help them. If I so much as hear you've hurt him I will end you, do you understand?" Richard gulped, but nodded his head never the less.

"Today at school, you take him right to class and you involve him in no other activities. That means no bathroom breaks to fulfill your disgusting thoughts do you understand? My son is not a blow up doll for you to get off on. You treat him respect."

Zayn was so strict and protective and honestly, it scared the living shit out of Richard as he walked back to the car, shooting Zayn another look, who glared back at him, Harry now under his arm with messy hair and sleepy eyes as they drove away.

"Charming, why don't you go back to bed? Liam's going to be here soon." Zayn suggested, running his hands through his husbands Hair. "I don't wunna, I want to go to work with you today Zaynie." He whined, pouting his lips for a kiss.

"Charming...I don't know." He sighed. Today was a big exam. After the students projects where turned in, They would be drawing a figure, using their talents to express that figures personality.

Then, something hit Zayn. Why couldn't Harry be there model? "Okay Charming, but you need to go get dressed or you can't come. I'll call Liam and tell him he won't be watching you today, alight?"

Harry giggled, nodding and taking a run for the stairs. Zayn himself then wondered for the Kitchen, looking over the calendar on the wall, reading over dates. In only a few months, his precious baby Harry would be turning thirty five.

Damn, how time flew. He could have sworn it was just yesterday they shared their first kiss in the Art room, Harry running off to tell the family about it.


"No Har-" Harry stopped his words with his lips, pressing them together in a furry of lust and need; Harry s lip clasped over Zayn's harshly.

Zayn wanted to pull away, he really did, but Harry felt so good; tasted so fucking good. His eyes squinted together, his mouth starting to move against Harry s who wasn't sure what to do with his own so he opened his mouth, allowing Zayn's prodding tongue inside, moving against the edge of Harry's mouth, massaging the inside of his cheek then moving on to the roof of his mouth were he tickled Harry, making the boy pull away in a fit of laughter.

Zayn chuckled, locking his fingers behind Harry, there chest now pressed together. "I liked that." Harry giggled, leaning up to peck Zayn's lips. "C'mon...Why don't we see what everyone's up to, Yeah?" Zayn asked, taking Harry's hand and leading him from the large room.

"So how was painting?" Jay asked from the kitchen. She looked like she was making something but Zayn wasn't sure. "I invited the Payne's to stay for Dinner, do you think that would be alright Harry? I mean, it is your castle." She smiled, drying her hands. "Sounds like fun!" Harry giggled, Zayn reaching around him to hug him tightly.

Everyone sat in the living room, socializing. They hadn't even noticed Zayn and Harry come out of there art room; so the conversation stayed discreet.

"Me and Zayn kissed like they do in the movies." Harry giggled.

Zayn blushed red, hiding his face in Harry's neck, standing behind him protectively. " Harry, you're not supposed to tell anyone about that."


He could still the tingle on his lips from that day. He was so happy to have Harry, to be able to call him his lover after everything they had gone through back then, but now, almost twenty years later, still going strong.

There love life was booming, there date nights still weekly and there late nights still steamy. Harry had given him everything he had ever asked for, Everything that he had ever wanted and he was sure, that when Harry came running down the stairs, his shirt on backwards with his hair still messy, that he saw that same little boy, the same one he saw when he woke to him wrapped in his arms safely for the first time.

He could still feel the warmth of Daisy and Phoebe on his chest, still hear the pitter pat feet of his little sisters running down the hall and the faint smell of Breakfast cooking down stairs, Mamma Tomlinson smiling brightly at him and tussling his matted hair before she handed him a plate of food and he took his seat beside the rest of his family.

"Ready to go?" He asked, ripping himself from his present thoughts, his arm wrapping around Harry who took his shirt off and fixed it.

"I'm always ready!" Harry giggled, blue eyes sparkling. And Zayn wanted to cry because it was moments like this he realized just how much he loved Harry.

And hell...Did he love Harry.

He loved Harry when he smiled; he loved Harry when he cried. He loved Harry when he laughed and he loved Harry when he screamed.

And mostly...He loved Harry when he peered down through sleep filled eyes to find him, nuzzled into his chest, the sheets wrapped around him securely, while a cool morning breeze painted his feet and he reached down to play with Harry's hair until he finally woke-lazily smiling and staring at Zayn with such love it almost burned.

He loved Harry in those moments the most, because Harry was all his, in a silenced world, still for a single moment, where they shared a good morning kiss, their noses brushed, Harry's cheeks burning and after all those years, they were those two brothers, cuddled into blue sheets, hiding from their father and burying themselves in love.

And Zayn never wanted to leave.

"You okay Zaynie?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine Charming...I was just remembering all the ways I love you."


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