Chapter 20 - No I'll Never Let You Down

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It wasn't that Louis wanted to tell Zayn-but Charlie was so hysterical when He came to pick him up, and, like any father would do, He asked what exactly Richard had done to him.

"It's not exactly...What Richard did to Charlie? But more of what Charlie did to Ri-" Right on queue Richard's loud, raspy voice came through the house. "God Charlie I can't even move-Go a little gentler next time, My ass feels like I got h-Oh...H-Hi Uncle Zayn."

He murmured, as he limped to the top of the stair case. "What did you do Richard? What did you teach my son? What did I say about Sexual activities! Where were your fathers?"

"Well...I didn't do anything, Charlie took control on this one and actually, you taught him this one." He pointed out, and Charlie erupted with giggles. "Richard likes being a cock slut."

That's when Niall and Louis started laughing because, well, Charlie was just so cute and innocent and how he could plow their son that good? "Okay, Charlie I want you to go wait in the car, Richard, I want to have a talk with you."

Charlie nodded his head, skipping out to the car where Daddy was waiting and the two giggled about how well Charlie took Richard.

"Don't kill our son!" Niall yelled as Zayn begun to drag the lad to his room, setting him down on the bed. "What's your game Richard? What are you trying to get from him?" He growled.

Richard looked at Zayn curiously, squinting his eyes. "I...I don't want anything from Charlie?" "No! Stop saying that okay? I know you want something! He doesn't need this Richard; he doesn't need you hurting him! He doesn't understand you're just a player-that your just using him for sex." Zayn groaned.

"I'M NOT USING HIM! I happen to Love Charlie! I always have! I realized it when I left, I realized I was so lost without him and No, I'm just making up for lost time! Why can't you just accept this Zayn! I love your son the way you love Harry. You should be happy Zayn. I'm family, I grew up around you! You know I would never hurt Charlie, I've always been so careful. And you know just as well as I do, if you and Harry where still the young you would be all over each other, even more than you already are. I'm not going to hurt Charlie, he's my superman."

Zayn bit back a scream. He hated Richard, he hated him. He was so unfair to Charlie. He used him and he didn't appreciate his son one bit. Richard wasn't good enough for Charlie. No one was good enough for his little boy. He watched him grow up, he watched him in his happiest times and his saddest.

Richard hadn't been there when Charlie needed him. No, it wasn't his fault interlay, but Charlie needs him, fucking needs him and he wasn't around. Why did he think he could just snatch the handicapped boy up again and use him? Use him for his own needs and throw him to the curb like trash?

Richard didn't appreciate Charlie and he never would, so, as a father, Zayn didn't approve. He never would because this was his baby, his precious little baby's innocents. He was never going to be the same after Richard Violated him.

Zayn felt enraged. He felt the blood pumping through him and his adrenaline pumping like he could stop a train with one finger.

"I don't want you to see, or talk, or even look at Charlie ever again, do you understand me?" Zayn got right in Richard's face, blowing air at his face with every huff. "Get the fuck out Zayn, you can't tell me and Charlie what to do. You may be his father but you're not mine!" Richard yelled back, shoving Zayn out of his face and it was probably the stupidest move of his life because Zayn pounced.

He jumped on Richard so hard he fell to the ground while Zayn's fists flew, punching Richard repeatedly, till his hands where sore, his knuckled covered in blood along with the floor.

"Don't you ever," Zayn grunted, hitting Richard again. "Come near," He grabbed his hair, smashing his head against the ground with a sickening crack. "My son again!" He finished, smacking Richards head against the ground one more time before he stood, breathing heavy and wiping his mouth.

He looked down at the lifeless body, and luckily, Richard was only unconscious, blood still leaking down his face and an imprint of Zayn's wedding ring gathering under his right eye. His lip was split in two right along the top and he had two swelling eyes, along with a tare along his forehead where Zayn had punched him so hard it ripped the skin.

He bit his lip in regret. He shouldn't have let himself go. He could have killed Richard, his own family and that in itself would sever the last bit of relationship he had left with his friend.

So Zayn panicked, he scurried out of Richards's room, taking the steps four at a time and racing out the door, not even saying goodbye to his brothers before he got in the car, pulling out of the drive as fast as he could, staring at the house in his rear-view mirror.

"Dadda? What happened to your hand?" Charlie asked innocently from the back seat. "Did...Did you hurt Richard?"

Zayn didn't want to tell Charlie the truth so he lied, she shook his head no and griped the steering wheel harder, like it was his life line and he was never, never going to let go.

"You did didn't you! You hurt him Dadda I know you did!" Charlie screamed. Dadda hurt Richard and he knew it. He knew Dadda was going to do it to. He should have stayed behind to keep it from happening but he had trusted his Dadda so much?

"No...Charlie I didn't-" "You Hurt Richard! Why would you do that! I hate you!" Charlie yelled and Zayn felt his resolve braking.

"Charles shut the fuck up! I can't deal with you right now! All you care about is Richard, well let me tell you, Richard only wants you for Sex Charlie! That's all he will ever want you for because no one wants you, Charlie. No one wants a Retard!" Zayn screamed, banging his hands against the steering wheel.

The car went silent. So silent Zayn could almost hear his words over and over. He promised he would never use that word, he swore to himself he would never hurt his son and he did, he'd said the inevitable and Charlie would never forgive him, Charlie was never going to be the same.

As soon as they arrived home, Charlie jumped out of the car and ran upstairs, his eyes leaking like a river, while Harry merely walked himself inside, not even giving Zayn a second glance.

Zayn couldn't have Harry mad at him as well?

"Charming, please." He grabbed onto Harry's hand as the autistic man reached the stairs. "No!" Harry yelled, pushing his husband off.

"Is that what you thought about me? I'm...I might not b-be smart but I know when someone doesn't want someone around no more. Why couldn't you just said it a long time ago?" He cried, now making his way up the stairs again.

"Harry, please, I'm sorry! I didn't...I didn't mean to say that!" He called back. "No! No one wants a retard Zayn!"

With that, Harry scuffed into Charlie's room where he consulted him and comforted him, reminding him that he indeed, was not the unspeakable Name his father had used. But Charlie was so hysterical Harry could barely get a word in, so he merely held his son close, letting him scream and cry in his arms till he finally gave out and feel into a deep sleep, filled with his father's voice.

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