Chapter 24 - I'm No Superhero-o-o

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A few days later and Richard was only just showing signs of consciousness, like squeezing the doctors fingers or grunting, but, other than that Richard was immobilized. Couldn't wake up if he wanted to.

"What do you mean my son's not going to wake up? What the fuck do you mean!" Niall screamed, hiding his pain in Louis chest. "The aneurism is pressing against his brainstem, causing it to tare slightly. He can't move his body, nor wake up. And, when he does wake up, We don't know if he will ever be able to walk again, that's all up to how much damage has occurred. We want to start surgery within the Hour to reduce that change, but the percentage of patients surviving is very low. It's up to you."

The doctor said, his voice low and saddened. Louis looked at his son, still hooked to the machines. "W-What's up to us?" He wondered, biting on his Harry. "We can prosed with the surgery or...You can decide to have the plug pulled and put your son at ease. It's up to y-" Before the doctor could continue, Niall interrupted. "You'll do the surgery. We'll do anything to keep him alive, please."

The doctor nodded and handed over a clipboard for the fathers to sign, their hands shaky.

After signing the paper, Louis took a walk, stating he 'needed a breather' as he panted for air, making his way from the room while Niall took a seat beside his son, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "Richard baby, the doctors are going to bring you to surgery. T-They don't know if you will survive but...T-They say your awake. Please squeeze my hand if you can hear me buddy?"

Ever so faintly, Richards hand twitched in his fathers, squeezing the fingers. "R-Richey, if you don't ever...wake there anything you want me to tell Charlie? Do you want me to tell him you love him?" Richard squeezed the hand again, stating that he in fact did want his father to remind Charlie.

"They left Zayn...So you know. They aren't happy with him and there staying at the house. Charlie doesn't leave your room, he insists that if he does, he won't be there when you get back." Niall chuckled through his tears.

"Harry stays with him most days, so you don't need to worry, only focus on yourself right now bud." His tears came back then and he kissed Richards hand. "You have to get through this Richard, We need you. Charlie needs you, Please little man I know if anyone can get through this it's you." He cried harder, squeezing his hand.

"Uh..." Richard grunted, his lips only slightly parting. "Uh...lah...lah ya." He conjured up and Harry knew just what he said. "I love you to, Richard." He whispered, kissing his sons forehead and standing.

"I'm going to find your father and I'll bring him in, just...just in case we don't get a goodbye."

With that, Richard left the room to find his husband.


Charlie, as said, hadn't left Richards room, where he and Harry now sat, Lottie down stairs watching over them and chasing after her daughter Connie while the five year Old's twin, Conner, spent the day with his father who had just recently separated from their mother.

Charlie snuggled into the dark sheets and cried, while Harry comforted him. If something happened to Richard, Charlie wasn't sure what he might do...

What if he never saw Richard again? Who was going to love him? Who was he going to love?

Who was going to protect him at school and hold him tight? No one. Because Richard was the only one he wanted, the only one who could ever keep him safe. If Richard didn't survive...Charlie might not ether.

"Daddy?" Charlie wondered, gazing up at his dad who had his own tears. He hated when Charlie cried.

"Yes bud?" He said back, running his hand through Charlie's soft blonde curls. "W-What if Richard never wakes up?" He whispered under his breath, wiping some tears away. "I..." Harry didn't know how to answer his son. He wasn't even sure the answer himself.

What did happen if he didn't wake up? Would they move on with their life? "I don't know Charlie...We'll just have to wait and see if he gets better." Harry told him, kissing the top of his head shortly.

They lay there quietly for some time, just playing with each other's hair and crying quietly. Harry's thoughts where with Zayn though. He wondered what he was doing, how he was without Harry around. Was he happier? Was he having fun or meeting someone new?

"Charlie do you think dadda will forget about me?" Harry now asked his son, who shook his head. "Dadda loves you. You never forget someone you love." Charlie smiled, wiping Harry's tears away now. "Will you and dadda ever get back together?"

Harry shrugged his shoulder. He loved Zayn dearly, and as much as he didn't want to admit it, he dearly missed the amazing morning sex. "Maybe someday." He replied, letting his eyes drift closed for a moment. He wasn't going to forget Zayn because Zayn was all he had in this world, even if he had fucked up royally.


Back at the hospital, the boys waited for the operation to end, their bodies trembled with fear. What if Richard haven't made it? Their life would have absolutely no meaning without their son. He was there whole world. Louis could still remember the day they adopted the beautiful Child.


"Lou, what are we doing here?" Niall wondered as they walked up the steps of the orphanage. "You know how Liam's family is really involved with Orphans? Well, Mrs. Payne was wondering if we would come down to help with the kids today, there short on staff." He told Niall who shrugged.

They walked into the orphanage and got right to work, all the Children running round and bugging them. A few played with Niall's blonde hair, a few poking Louis cheeks before running off but the whole day, there was one little boy, sitting alone in the corner and playing with a teddy bear.

"Hazz, he looks so sad..." Louis sighed, staring at the little boy. "We should go talk to him?" Niall suggested, dragging his new fiancé over to the small boy who stared up at them with big brown eyes.

"Hi there, I'm Louis. What's your name?" The little boy stared with dull eyes. "H-Hi Louis...I don't know my name." The boy shrugged.

"So...Why didn't you make one up? What's your favorite name?" Harry asked. "I...I like the name Richard." He giggled. "Richard it is then." Louis ruffled his hair.

Richard it is then.


The Question was more prominent as the double doors swung open and a doctor, covered in blood, walked towards them.

"Sir's, your son-"

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