Chapter 18 - And with a feeling I'll forget I'm in love now

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Days passed, each one filled with an even more depressed Harry. He got sad when he even looked at his lover, his face contorting. He didn't like cuddling, because all that lead to was a cold bath and he grew to hate those because Zayn wouldn't join him.

Finally, after a week of trying to make Harry feel better Zayn decided the younger was ready.

Ready to go all the way; with Zayn.

"Jay?" Zayn asked, biting on his lips, taking a seat beside her on the couch as she watched her afternoon programing. All of the kids were doing schoolwork. Harry himself was doing math with the girls. It was easier for him and Mark suggested they not stress him out by giving him hard work to do.

"Yes?" Jay looked over from her show, smiling softly at Zayn. "I...I was wondering er..." Zayn breathed, fiddling his thumbs. "Do you think I could er, have the house like, to myself Saturday? I mean, just for and Harry, only for a few hours." He said quickly.

Jay giggled, patting his shoulder. "You mean you want to have sex with Harry but you don't want us to be here?" She said coolly. Zayn's breath caught in his throat, nodding his head. "You could have just said so, I'm not a regular mum." She smirked, standing up. "I'm a cool mum!"

Zayn rolled his eyes, laughing. "Thanks er...Mum?" He questioned. Jay smiled and nodded, giving him a quick hug. "Do you want me to pick anything up for you? Condoms? Lube? ...Vibrator?" Zayn made a disgusted face, shaking his head. "I don't think he's quite ready And as for the condoms and lube...Maybe." He laughed, in a joking manner of course.

"But maybe do you think uh...You could get me some rose peddles, Candles and maybe help me make like a fancy but not too fancy dinner? I kind of want it to be special."

Jay nodded, squealing. "I'm helping minors have sex!"

Zayn almost gaged, shaking his head. "Thanks mum," He retorted, walking up the stairs to his bedroom where he could rest his head, thinking of how Saturday would go with Harry.

Would he even want Zayn like that anymore?


Before Zayn knew it; Saturday rolled around and hell was he nervous. He was going to fuck his best friend today; bang the shit out of him. 'No Zayn, don't think like that' He told himself. 'You're going to be gentle'.

And he was, He was going to be so careful with him. Give him everything he ever wanted; it was going to be special.

"Today's the day!" Jay squealed, coming through the door "Don't remind me..." Zayn mumbled. Harry was occupied with Niall and Louis out by the horses while Jay and Zayn set the house up, Spreading rose peddles up the stairs; and around the bedroom.

"I bought you condoms and lube...I wasn't sure if you were joking..." Zayn giggled, taking the boxes from her. "I was, but thanks...I'm sure we'll use them...Another time." Zayn took the boxes up stairs, putting them in the night stand. Surely they would use them sometime? Hopefully...

"Zayn, I'm going to start the chicken. I'm also making baby carrots; and some other things but it shouldn't take long. Do you think you'll be done with everything by then?" Jay asked from down the stairs. "Yeah, I just need to get dressed is all. By the way, what did you tell the family?" Zayn's curiosity got to him. Hopefully she didn't spill the beans?

"I told the older girls and Louis you and Niall wanted to have sex and they had to choose were to go for the night. We're going to a movie and having dinner. So we should be about three hours. The younger girls...and Mark...think we're just going out"

Zayn sighed. Of course she told them. Louis wouldn't let him live this one down. Not in a million years. "Thanks mum, I'll get my plane ticket to America now."

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