Chapter 26 - But I Got You To Keep Me Warm

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Over the next few days Richard healed up nicely, the doctors giving him a few cat scans as to make sure the aneurism had been terminated for good and gladly, it was. Charlie was ecstatic to have his Richard back, even if he was still in the hospital and bandaged up.

"Richard are you all better?" Charlie asked as they lay in his hospital bed, Richards arms wrapped securely around his lover, as to never let him go again, not after there last scare. "Yeah superman, I'm all better." Richard ensured.

Charlie bit on his lip, letting out a small giggle. "C-Can I tell you a secret?" He wondered childishly. Richard chuckled and nodded and Charlie leaned up to whisper in his ear, cupping his hands around his mouth even though not a single person was in the room and the door was mostly closed.

"My peepee's all hard again," He whispered, pulling away with a blush. Richard moved his leg and sure enough, Charlie's cock poked his thigh. "Does that mean I want you?" Charlie wondered quietly and Richard nodded.

"Yeah, but you have to be quiet, Okay?" Charlie nodded and smirked, siting up and pulling his gym shorts to his knees.

Richard licked his lips, almost drooling. He hadn't seen Charlie in so long, hadn't felt him inside his heat and he wanted him, no matter how tired and sore he was, his head throbbing.

He knelt down and licked a stripe along the shaft of Charlie's cock, before sucking the head into his mouth.

He was about to bob his head when a loud gasp interrupted them, Richard pulling his mouth up and cover Charlie. "M-Mr. Tomlinson, I was just--I wanted to--Y-Your fathers are here to t-take you home." A nurse studded, trying to divert her eyes, but unable to take her eyes off the screen.

"Thank you," Richard said quickly, dipping his hands under the blankets to pull up Charlie's pants. "S-Superman, why don't you go with the nice lady and find Uncle Niall and Uncle Louis, Yeah buddy?"

Charlie giggled and kisses Richard on the lips before getting up, his tight boxers holding back the monster in his pants to some extent. "Uhm, Mr. Tomlinson, may I have a word with you?" The nurse asked, letting Charlie stand in the hallway as she closed the door.

Richard nodded and sat up, smiling at the woman. "Your er...Friend there, is your...cousin? And he has disabilities, am I correct? Doesn't this count as molestation? You're defiling that young boy." She spat and Richard looked at her appalled. "As you would know, I am adopted; As is Charlie buy my Fathers adopted Brother! And I'll have you know Charlie is consensual to all of this, we've been with each other sense we were toddlers, mam." He crossed his arms and huffed.

"Now, if you would ever so kindly take this IV out, I would like to return to my boyfriend and fathers." He grumbled and the nurse did as said.

Once he was removed from his IV's and dressed with fresh bandages, he was placed in a wheelchair while Charlie watched timidly from the corner. He didn't like all these wires and what not.

"Richard can I ride on your lap?" Charlie giggled and held onto his boyfriends lap. "Course, Superman, hop on." Richard smirked, patting his lap where Charlie sat down, wrapping his arms around Richard neck and kissing his lips while Harry pushed the wheel chair out to the car, helping his son into the back, who groaned in frustration. Why was he so sore? He'd slept for four damn days and made out the rest!

"Baby why don't you help me get this off?" He pointed to the hospital gown, Charlie untying it with dainty hands. He was zoned on the notes until the top part slid off Richard back and he was mesmerized by the array of muscles.

He licked his lips and ran his hands down the defined muscles on Richards back, grumbling under his breath until he heard smokers from the front of the car. He then helped Richard with his clothes and snuggled into his chest for the car ride home.

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