Chapter 25 - I Was In Your Sights You got Me Alone

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Part 2


Part 1 Re-cap

  "Let me make up to you." Zayn panted, pulling Harry's shirt over his head. Harry gasped at the cool are but proceeded to suck Zayn's bottom lip into his mouth, his teeth digging into it and drawing a thick red liquid which stained his own lips.


          If Zayn remembered correctly, Harry was pretty damaging in the bedroom, leaving red handprints and deep gashes usually on Zayn's hips and back.


          But now, Zayn was sure Harry was going to bite through is lip. "Fuck," He cursed, pulling his mouth from Harry, who whimpered. "I'm sorry." He whispered, feeling Zayn's bloody lips with his tiny fingers. "Shh charming, nothing to be sorry for."


          Zayn then grabbed his shirt from over his shoulder, dragging it off, his muscles flexing, his creamy skin echoing off the dim lights. Suddenly everything seemed so needy, every kiss, every touch, every single bite Harry left.


          "Easy," Zayn mumbled as Harry latched down on his sore nipple; in which the curly had been tugging on only seconds before. "God, Charming your so dirty." Zayn groaned, grabbing Harry's hair and tugging on it.


          "Such a dirty, needy little charming." Zayn growled.


          He knew this was going to be rough; it was going to be loud and brudle and Harry was going to beg for more. "Little slut," He cursed. Harry's mouth came off with a 'pop' panting and drooling. "Baby, you're drooling." Zayn sighed, whipping away the spit with his hand but Harry leaned forward, pushing Zayn all the way on his back, were he slammed Zayn's head against the ground, the youngers lips migrating to Zayn's fleshy neck, nibbling on it.   


          Zayn screamed out when Harry bit down, extracting blood, the blond moaning loudly and moving to Zayn's collar bone were he re-opened another bite mark from their first encounters.


          Zayn whimpered, some of Harry's hair coming out in his hands. "Hell," He grunted, bucking his hips into Harry's, there stiff, neglected groins clashing, rubbing together.


          Harry's head feel back, loud moans escaping his lips. It was heavenly to Zayn's ears, looking at Harry so caught up in pleasure, his nails digging into Zayn's defined chest. "Fuck me," The Green eyes boy whined, leaning back down to kiss Zayn.


          His mouth opened, allowing Zayn's tongue to dive in, swirling around in a pool of Harry's gathered spit. In any other situation, it would make Zayn gag and rinse his mouth out but the way Harry leaned over him, letting the spit to drip from his pink mouth, into Zayn's made the darker's cock twitch.


          Zayn swished the liquid around in his mouth coating the cry dealing with a new; slimy feeing, which was replaced when their lips reattached, Harry slurping up his saliva and swallowing it. Zayn groaned, his hands reaching for Harry's jeans were he grabbed the button, ripping them open.

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