Chapter 26 - Every Day In Every Way

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  Zayn had been right. When Harry woke up the next morning he couldn't walk at all. He was bitten and bruised and sore, but Zayn looked worse. Harry had torn him apart and every part of him ached. Harry's pain kink was absolutely amazing to Zayn, he loved it more than he'd like to admit.

            "Can't move," Harry mumbled when he woke up. Zayn's eyes flickered open and he groaned in understanding.

            "A bath to help ease the pain?" Zayn suggested, his own body yelling in protest when he stood and scooped the little boy into his arms. Harry smiled and leaned forward, kissing Zayn's neck. They headed into the bathroom and Zayn ran a hot bath, letting both of them sink down into the water.


            "Feels good, Zaynie," Harry giggled.

            "Good," Zayn breathed, his eyes sliding shut as he and Harry molded together in the hot water. It was the perfect way to start the day. So warm and comfortable. Harry's lips roamed Zayn's neck still making the tan boy whimper. Harry's lips felt good against Zayn's bites and bruises over his neck, sending a relaxing sensation through his body.


            "Can we do the sex more often, Zaynie?" Harry asked.

            Zayn chuckled, "You don't 'do the sex', Harry, you have sex,"

            "Oh," Harry nodded, "Can we have sex more often?"

            "Anytime you want love, but we have to be alone and we have to have energy," Zayn added, not wanting Harry to get the wrong idea and take him right now.

            "Okay," Harry agreed, leaning forward and latching his teeth onto Zayn's skin of his collar bone.

            "Ow," Zayn yelled, "Fuck,"

            "Feels good?" Harry asked, tracing the indents of Zayn's skin with his fingers. His teeth had almost broken the skin.


            "Why do you like pain so much?" Zayn asked Harry, honestly curious why this little boy could be so turned on by pain. Harry just shrugged and pushed further into Zayn's body. "Well, I think it's hot,"


            "Really?" Harry giggled.

            "Really," Zayn nodded, leaning forward himself and latching his own teeth to Harry's pale skin. Harry writhed, yelping out in pain and arching his bath out of the tub, coming splashing back down into the water and grabbing Zayn's sides with his nails. When Zayn noticed Harry's lower half getting hard and standing tall and proud he pulled back, shaking his head. Just by simply biting and causing Harry pain he turned the young boy on and made him a writhing and yelping mess. "Let's stop there, okay? We don't have energy to do that now,"  

           Harry nodded in agreement, and the longer they soaked, his body cooled down again.

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