Chapter 7 - You Made Me Happier Than I'd Been By Far

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Liam finally showed up on the front steps of Harry and Zayn's house around six, a new stuffed animal in his hand for Charlie who squealed, jumping into his uncle's arms and squeezing him tightly around the neck. "Hey bub! Are we going to spend time together tonight while Daddy and Dadda go out?"

Charlie nodded his head. It had taken hours to get him used to the idea of not having either of them around while uncle Li watched him, but after a few fits and snotty noses, he finally settled down when Uncle Li promised to bring him a new toy.

"Okay, dinner is on the stove, you know where the movies are. His bedtime is eight thirty-" Liam interrupted. "I know, I watch them all the time, don't I?"

Zayn bit his lip nervously, still holding onto Harry's hand. "Y-Yeah...I guess you do."

Liam then shoed the two from the house and out to Zayn's car where he buckled his husband in, Harry giggling at his husbands overprotective steps to keep him safe as he tugged on the strap to make sure it was secure. "Just checking," He told Harry before he too got in the car, starting the engine and pulling out of the drive.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked curiously, staring over at Zayn observantly. He liked watching his Zaynie when he looked so focused.

"We're going to get some dinner, then where heading down town. There having a special drive in movie night. You remember when I showed you that video earlier today Hazz?"

Harry nodded his head, smiling. "Where are we going to eat?" He asked again, still looking at Zayn. "Well, there's a really nice hot road cafe, it's really old fashioned and I know you like that Hazz."

Harry did like old fashioned.

Zayn finally pulled into a blue painted building, a picture of an old car and different foods on the sign and bold letters that read "Mr. Dez". There where parking spots under large awnings with bright lights shining down on Zayn black Range Rover.

Harry giggled, clinging to Zayn's hand as he squirmed, Zayn telling him how the place worked and that he had to stay in the car and a lady on roller blades would bring them a menu, which Harry knew was what you picked what you wanted off.

And sure enough, a little blonde girl with a pony tail and pretty blue dress rolled over to the car, stopping right at Zayn's rolled down window and handing him the menu. "Take a moment to look over the menu, and I'll be back in a few minutes." She smiled, smacking her gum loudly but Zayn didn't mind, he was just too happy to have a night out on the town with his Hazza.

"Charming, do you want some chicken fingers?" He asked, noticing they're special-A chicken finger basket with fries and a shake.

Harry nodded his head, still staring at the pretty neon lights and girls in there old fashioned outfits.

Zayn then looked over the menu for himself, choosing to get a Hamburger with a side of fries and a large coke.

He ordered, complementing the girl on her eyes-which really where stunningly green-and paying, giving the girl a reasonably large tip and a flirtsy-but harmless-college professor wink.

He then rolled up his window and returned his attention to his bouncy husband. "Charming, quite moving you're going to make the car rock." He smirked, pulling Harry over the center console and pressing his lips to the boy neck. "I'm glad we did this tonight," He sighed, brushing the hair out of Harry's face and kissing his forehead. "Me too," Harry giggled, even though he didn't understand that this date, was really to get away from the stress of Charlie and his mother.

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