1. Girl in a bar

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Photo of Will and Rya

Spoken word poetry: When love arrives by Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye.

'Just one drink before I head home guys,' Rya said as she and her friends walked into the crowded bar.

'Oh come on,' Jason, one of her close friends whined, 'don't ruin this evening for me, it's the most fun I've had since Nicole and I broke up.'

Rya rolled her eyes as the rowdy bunch made their way to the bar, 'that was seven months ago Jason, that line is beginning to get old.'

Jason gave a huge dramatic sigh, 'When you get your heart broken, come talk to me.'

'Oh, don't be such a girl.' Kris, another one of Rya's friends said.

'You're a girl,' Jason retorted, indignantly.

Kris touched her hand to her chest, pretending to be insulted, 'you say that like it's an insult.'

Jason shrugged, 'I don't know Kris, is it?'

Kris gasped and broke out in a string of curse words that would've made a sailor blush.

Rya couldn't tell anymore if she was still pretending to be offended or if she actually was.

She tuned out the two who were bickering like kids and turned toward the remaining member of the group, Peter, whose eyes were currently roaming the bar.

'See anything you like?' she teased loudly over the music.

He grinned and stuck his hands in his pockets, rocking back on the balls of his feet, 'I see many things I like Rya, I'm just...overwhelmed by choice.'

She laughed and turned her attention to the approaching bartender.

Placing an order for a gin and tonic, she marvelled at how smoothly her bickering friends broke off their argument just in time to order, and then resume right back trying to get their inconsequential points across to each another.

They paid for their drinks and quickly located an empty table where they sat sipping their drinks and excitedly discussing the work they would be starting the following day.

The four of them were to resume at La Cura Medica, a prestigious medical and research facility which had it's headquarters in New York and smaller subsidiaries scattered around the world.

It was well known for being one of the largest medical centres in the world and had quickly risen to its status because of it's leanings toward cutting edge medical research and treatment.

From inception, the establishment had sought to acquire the most sophisticated medical equipments around the world, which in turn kept attracting the best medical talent, and, so far, it had used the combination of the two to its advantage, breaking ground in the medical industry and treating illnesses that other hospitals had given up on, thus drawing the attention of fans and critics alike as well as investors.

It was a heaven of sorts for fresh talent just starting out in their field, and out of the many talented students in their graduating class at the New York Medical College, who had applied to La Cura, only six candidates had been selected.

The four of them were joining the prestigious medical team as Biomedical Scientists, while the other two from their graduating class would be joining the hospital as medical interns.

The four friends had spent their first four years in the University acquiring a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and had then gone on to dedicate another two years to getting a Masters of science degree in medical biochemistry.

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