28. Into the Fray II

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Song: Wild Thoughts by Rihanna, DJ Khaled; Cover by Connor Maynard, Anth.

Thrown at being suddenly thrust into the spotlight the way she had, Rya watched with increasing anxiety as Dominic whispered into his attendants ear, the man nodded and began to head in Celia's direction, and she caught herself frowning in response as Dominic tipped his tumbler in her direction before throwing back the rest of its contents,

Any lingering hope she'd had that this was a tussle he would soon grow tired of was gone. In fact, she had the niggling feeling that he would take pleasure in dragging this out for as long as he could.

She swallowed as her anxiety built, ignored the tiny ball of excitement within her.

This was something she didn't want. Right? Yet his words continued to echo within her mind:

...they'll see you taken repeatedly, until your belly, your cunt and your ass are filled with their release... his words rang like a mantra within her racing thoughts.

She blinked, her eyes straying to Lilah who had a look of utter fury on her face and Rya doubted that the woman was aware that her hands had formed fists where they sat in her lap.

She forced her gaze away from the blatant hostility that was emanating from Lilah, and onto the light skinned beauty seated on Dominic's other side, and as she did so it suddenly dawned on her what Lilah had meant when she'd said that Rya wasn't Dominic's type.

Based on his preference of the women he'd chosen to attend the event with him, it was obvious that he had an affinity for women of African American descent.

What game was he playing with her then?

She gave a small start as the woman suddenly turned to meet her gaze, and for a brief moment their eyes locked.

Rya imagined that the woman had to wonder what Dominic's interest in her was that had loosened his pockets to such an extent, when he could have any other woman with just a fraction of the amount that he was apparently willing to spend.

She certainly wondered the same and she supposed that the guests who kept shooting discreet glances in her direction did too.

'I have to say that this is unusual,' Celia's voice broke through her self capitulation, capturing her attention again, 'usually a counter-offer signals dissent and is not contested, but I should say that this is probably a compliment to the allure of your partner Mr. Black, because Mr. Leyland has chosen to amend his initial offer to two hundred million dollars, for a chance to spend an evening with Miss Cassidy in a closed session,' she paused in hesitation before continuing,' I'd be happy to move on and give you the time you need to deliberate with your partner...'

Rya tuned out Celia's words as the sound of the jumbled thoughts in her head reached a fever pitch; ...only then when you are bathed in their fluids and limp with exhaustion will I take you, over and over again, until you beg for respite... she clenched her thighs feeling liquid desire pool at the juncture of her thighs.


Nudged out of her aroused stupor, she glanced at Derek who had a worried look on his face, 'you look pale,' he said, 'we should leave, this is too much, even for someone who's used to these proceedings...'

She noted that Celia had moved on to the next proposal on her list, she also noticed the looming presence of their attendant just behind Derek's chair which indicated his willingness to counter Dominic's offer yet again.

She shook her head, if anyone was going to spend exorbitant amounts of money on this session that Dominic seemed to be insisting on, she would much rather it be Dominic. She wetted her lips as she considered how to best frame her next words, 'I, uh...we should maybe...accept?'

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