8. Close Quarters

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Song: Golden by Lady Antebellum

The wave of dizziness that shot through her the second she stood was surprising and Rya cursed under her breath as her eyes caught the almost empty bottle of wine on the table.

With each passing second, since Elsa had announced Derek's impending arrival, she'd begun to wish more and more that she hadn't stayed this long, but here she was, more inebriated than she wanted to be, and about to face the one person she still felt wary about facing.

She rubbed her fingers against her temples and scooped up her purse as the low murmurs coming from the front door progressed into the room.

Turning towards the door, her eyes immediately met and held his for a brief moment before he nodded politely, 'Arya,' he said by way of greeting.

'Hello Derek,' she smiled back, not daring to return his nod for fear of increasing the dizzy spell she was currently suffering through, 'I'll just be on my way,' she said to Elsa, noticing the immediate frown that marred both their foreheads as she slurred some of her words and slowly walked forward to give the other woman a hug before heading towards the door.

She gripped the large door handle, swaying lightly on her feet and pausing to regain her balance, before pulling on the heavy door.

She heard Elsa's alarmed voice call out to her the same moment she felt Derek's arm slide around her waist to pull her into his solid frame.

She stumbled backwards into him and cursed again, 'I'm fine,' she said her eyes squeezed shut in mortification as he turned her around to face him.

'How much have you had to drink?' he asked in a hard tone.

She winced and held out her arms to push away from him and create some distance between their bodies. Her intentions fell through, however, the moment her palms connected with the rock hard planes of his chest.

'I'm fine,' she insisted, breathing in his intoxicating scent as her fingers curled into his shirt.

'How are you getting home?' he asked, totally ignoring her previous words of assurance.

'There's a driver and a vehicle waiting for me, right Elsa?' she turned her head to look at her friend and barely stifled another groan as the room dipped and swelled before her eyes.

'I'm sure Tomas will get you home safely,' Elsa said nodding at both her and Derek, 'I trust him.'

Rya smiled at her gratefully and turned her attention back to Derek who looked unconvinced to say the least, as he stared intently down at her, his arm remaining firm around her body currently held tight against his.

Her mouth opened in a silent gasp as she saw his eyes darken and noted her body's response to his awareness of their intimate embrace.

She averted her eyes and waited for him to release her, relieved that it wouldn't be long before she was out of here, and could begin the process of forgetting the catastrophe that had been their meeting tonight, and how she had ended up making a complete and utter fool of herself.

Her relief was short-lived, however, as he shook his head, 'I don't,' he murmured, in response to Elsa, 'I'll see that she gets home.'

Panic filled her eyes as she returned her gaze to his, 'what? no,' she said, forgetting herself and shaking her head, she stilled immediately afterwards, wincing, 'I'd rather you didn't,' she said sharply, regretting her words, the next moment as his jaw clenched and his lips tightened into a hard straight line. Her thumb unconsciously stroked his chest as she continued softly, 'I just mean that with Elsa's generous offer of a ride home, I will be fine.'

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