6. Revelations

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Song: The man who can't be moved by The Script

'I think I've found my rhythm,' Kris said the following afternoon as she slid into one of the chairs at their lunch table at the cafeteria, 'look at me, you can't even tell that I'm severely sleep deprived.'

'What rhythm?' Peter asked

'You have time for dancing?' Jason asked around a mouthful of food while sending Kris a look which indicated he thought she'd gone mad.

Kris grinned and dug into her salad, 'you on the other hand look great Ry,' she said mischievously, 'must be something in the fluids you're receiving.'

Rya rolled her eyes as both guys glanced between her and Kris.

'What?' Pete asked, looking a little confused.

Jason shook his head, 'I think you've finally lost it,' he said to Kris, 'talking about dancing and fluids...'

'You wanna tell them, or should I?' Kris asked Rya, waving her fork around.

'It's none of their business,' Rya said, reaching for her glass of water and taking a long sip from it.

'What's not our business?' Peter asked, again.

'Wait, you're keeping secrets from us now?' Jason said shooting daggers at Rya.

She ignored them both.

'Rya's sleeping with an attending.' Kris blurted out.


'What the fuck?'

Both Peter and Jason stopped chewing as their gazes swiveled to Rya who sighed and shook her head at Kris.

'You just couldn't help yourself,' she said, wishing now that she'd held her tongue about her and Will.

Until now, she's told only Kris because she'd needed to tell someone and Kris was the only other female in her small circle of friends, not to mention that the two of them often got thrown together working the same shift rotations.

'What? I didn't think you'd mind if they knew. Oh come on, you don't mind,' she said waving her hand dismissively at the guys, 'it's Pete and Jace.'

'What's that supposed to mean,' Jason asked indignantly while Peter's gaze remained on her.

'So it's true?' he asked

Rya nodded.

'When did this happen? We've barely been here three weeks...'

'I met him at the bar, that night, you know, the night before we started here?'

Jason's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, 'The guy who couldn't get it up?' he said, his voice rising with his surprise.

'Shush,' Kris whispered glancing around, 'really Jason? Keep your voice down.'

'Don't shush me,' he said turning to face her, 'how long have you known?'

'Uh, not long' Kris hedged, her face flushed red and her gaze sliding away from his with her lie.

'Rya,' Peter said seriously, his gaze still fixed on her, 'this is serious. If this gets out, it could be a nightmare, people are gonna find ways to discredit anything you do, they'll make big deals of any errors you make and chalk it up to you being sloppy because you have the ear of the higher ups. They could begin to speculate about your qualifications and say that you slept your way into the program. You're taking all the risks here, he isn't, and you've worked too hard to get here only to have to go through that type of shit so early in your career.'

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