56. No Ordinary Day

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Song: Dancing with a stranger by Sam Smith, Normani

Four Months Later

Miami Medical Center, Miami, Florida

She was running late for rounds.

It was the first time in months that Bev had wanted to stay in bed. To not leave her apartment. To not have to speak to anyone or do anything. And because of that she had almost called in sick.


It should have been an ordinary day. It was an ordinary day. And if she had to keep repeating it to herself to believe it, she would.

None of it mattered to her anymore. Not him, not the fact that he was getting married today.
None of it.

It was an ordinary day.

The familiar bustle of the hospital was a comfort to her as she clocked in and changed into her hospital scrubs and white coat, and left to locate her attending surgeon and the gaggle of interns that made up their team.

A group of wide-eyed interns rushed past her on her way to the ER. Their excitement palpable. They moved quickly, trying to walk the thin line between getting to their destination and adhering to the hospitals unwritten 'no running' rule.

On any other day, she might have found their actions comical. Might have reminisced for a brief moment about her days as an intern. Might have even been spurred by their actions to move a little quicker herself.

She was running late after all.

Being the only surgical resident within her team, and one with an eye on the Chief Medical resident position, it was in her best interests to consistently show that she could be of great assistance to her attending and at the same time be of good leadership when it came to supervising the interns. And both of those goals required her to at the very least be on time to work. To be present. To both think and move fast.

Still, at present, it was all she could do to just put one foot in front of the other and hope that she would make it through the day.

'It is just another ordinary day." She whispered

Thankfully, it appeared to be a relatively light day within the hospital, with no major surgeries scheduled so as to make allowance for the surgical staff to attend the medical workshop that was scheduled to take place in the hospitals amphitheater later that morning.

From all around the country, the top surgeons in various medical fields had been invited to host separate segments of the conference. And, she, like the rest of her colleagues planned to make time during the day to slip in and observe a segment or two as the visiting surgeons presented and disseminated surgical cases.

Having located the patients room her team was in, she stopped in front of the closed door and closed her eyes, taking several deep breath in an effort to re-calibrate her thoughts. It was time to focus on the day ahead.

It was just another ordinary day.


It was early afternoon by the time Bev finally found some free time in-between surgeries.

Nothing had gone as planned which was typical for the ER. Surgeries that had previously been non-emergent suddenly became so and had to be moved up and scheduled back-to-back.

It was as though the universe was in agreement with her, and enforcing the notion that it was an ordinary day, that there were still patients that needed to be cared for, surgeries that had to be performed, lives that depended on her.

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