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Song: Everybody Wants to rule the world by Lorde.

The Lodge Resort, Aruba.

Two dark sedans trundled through the smooth narrow road leading up to the imposing iron gates which was the entry point into the property.

The second vehicle slowed to a stop the moment the gates came into view, it's male occupant watching in heightened anticipation as the first vehicle, occupied by his protégé, rolled right up to the gates.

This was it. Their headquarters. The one place where all of his planning would come to bear. It was here he would begin to wreak his havoc.

Several seconds passed, and then several more, before the tall gates opened to allow his man entry.

He laughed. A slow sinister sound that began in the depths of his gut and escaped through his lips, shaking his stocky frame.

It was at these same gates they had turned him away. And it was here they would also begin to pay for their actions. For making him the outcast. For locking him out.

Bastards. The lot of them.

It was the story of his life. He had always been the one on the outside looking in. And even now, with all the wealth he had amassed, he remained on the outside. Unwelcome. Shunned from their little clubs and associations. His fortune only good enough to buy him entry into their business circle and nothing more. Not their parties, and certainly not their unconventional island resort.

Granted, a few of them had invited him into their lives once or twice, and he had gotten a glimpse of the life they led behind the curtain. For a brief time, he had enjoyed a taste, participating in the decadent, reckless, pleasure-filled past-time they engaged in, before the curtains were closed to him again, and the doors began to slam in his face.

But he had found another way in. And this time, he was determined to settle his scores, one person at a time, with as many of them as he could get his hands on. And he would have fun doing it.

He would tread carefully. These were men as powerful as he. Some of them wielding more wealth and influence, individually, than he could ever dream of. And collectively, they were a force to be reckoned with.

This was no longer the little leagues. He was within their circle now, and on a level playing field with people who could match his wealth and his reach.

At his order his driver turned the vehicle around, heading back they way they had come. He had only wanted to be present to witness the beginning of the end.

He would act slowly, but steadily, and be gone before they ever knew he had been in their midst. Or, that he was behind it all. The perpetrator of what was to come.

Step one was complete.


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