11. Crossroads

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Song: Something just like this by Coldplay & The chainsmokers, cover by Alex Goot & Madilyn Bailey

The low drone of Derek's voice woke Rya up, and following the sound, she found him where he stood talking into a Bluetooth headset, slowly pacing back and forth in front of a wall-to-ceiling window, clad in a pair of boxer briefs slung low on his hips. He listened to someone on the other end and then gave short, brisk responses.

Yawning, she stretched languidly against his soft silk sheets, wondering how he could be up and fully alert, when they'd barely gotten any sleep and it seemed like just minutes ago that she'd fallen asleep.

Had he even gotten any sleep at all?

She wondered what time it was as she glanced out at the dark moonlit sky beyond the glass wall, admiring the view of the star studded night. The rest of the curtains along the entire wall were closed, covering what she could only assume was more of the scenic view.

It was probably almost dawn, she thought to herself, because they'd spent the better part of the night in each others arms as evidenced by the soreness between her thighs.

She'd left her purse containing her phone in the living room the night before, and so glancing around for a timepiece, she spotted his wristwatch on the nightstand, and scooted over to get ahold of it.

It was four-thirty.

She sat up, and saw Derek turn around, his eyes following her movements as she did so. She self consciously ran her hands through her hair, she had to be at the hospital at six o'clock for her early morning shift, and needed to get moving if she wanted to get there on time.

He came off his call a second later and approached her as she got off the bed.

'Hey,' she said as he reached her and pulled her into his arms for a long breathtaking kiss.

'Are you alright?' he asked, smoothing back stray strands of her hair from her face.

She blushed, in understanding of his question and nodded in response, she was sore, but otherwise fine.

'I'm good,' she said, softly.

'You certainly are,' he murmured rubbing his hands up and down her sides and then traveling further down to knead her buttocks.

She averted her gaze shyly and quickly changed the subject, 'I need to get home, shower and change,' she said, 'my shift begins at six.'

He nodded, 'why don't you take a shower here,' he suggested, 'we'll get breakfast, and I'll take you home afterwards to get a change of clothes and then drop you off at the hospital.'

She stared up at him, 'I can't just show up at work in your car Derek. People will talk.'

'I have a private entrance and parking,' he said tracing his thumb over her bottom lip, 'no one will see into the vehicle, you'll be fine.'

She briefly considered his offer, taking him up on it was probably the only way she would be able to show up on time, and he was right, with his exclusive parking and his vehicles tinted windows, she would most likely be able to avoid detection.

'Okay,' she said with a nod, 'I'll go with you.'


True to his word, they passed through an entrance from a more quiet and secluded section of the building, and drove straight to a multi-storey indoor parking ramp which was quite different from the general parking lot she and her friends used.

It was ten floors high and she spotted a couple vehicles parked on some of the floors. However, the last floor was sealed off by a single Iron bar which automatically raised, as Derek's car approached, to allow them access, and promptly lowered back into it's place, the moment they were through.

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