18. Parameters

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Song: Bad things by Camilla Cabello & Machine Gun Kelly | KHS cover by Sam Tsui & Madilyn Bailey.

'It would've been great to wake up to you in my bed this morning.'

Rya smiled, she didn't have to look up from her phone to recognize the sound of Will's voice in her ear.

She glanced at the elevator doors in front of her and the number on the wall above it which indicated the progress of it's descent before turning to face him.

He was dressed in his customary black scrubs and surgeons cap.

'I didn't bring a change of clothes,' she whispered back, 'because it wasn't my plan to stay over remember? so, I needed to get back home.'

'You could've woken me, I would've dropped you off.' He insisted

'It was no bother, I promise.' she insisted right back, as she turned back to face the elevator.

'Actually it was,' he said, earning raised eyebrows from her, 'to me.'

Her smile widened as she turned back to him, 'you know that doesn't make any sense right?' she said in a hush, 'I'm the one who had to get out of bed, much earlier than I should've, after spending the major part of the night, not sleeping, just so I could get a head start on my day. This is totally my inconvenience, and I won't let you take that away from me.'

'Fair enough,' he responded, 'however, I'm not the one who insisted on talking all night long, just so we could get to know each other better,' he clasped his hands behind his back as he too glanced up at the numbers which showed that the elevator was approaching the ninth floor which they were currently on, 'I would much rather have preferred to get to know you on a deeper level, and studies show that my methods would've been very effective in achieving a good nights sleep for us both. So forgive me if I feel inconvenienced as well.'

She tried unsuccessfully to hold back a smile as she attempted stare him down, 'you were happy to go along with my idea at the time,' she accused.

'Because I had high hopes that sooner or later we would be making better use of my bed, but,' he sighed, 'my patience proved fruitless, as I realized the moment I woke up to an otherwise empty bed, and a very uncomfortable case of blue balls.'

Rya gasped as she gaped at him, heat coloring her cheeks as she struggled to form words to combat his downright crudeness, 'you...you ass!' she exclaimed.

He grinned and leaned in, 'I believe this ride is yours,' he said, straightening back up and nodding in the direction of the metal box before turning to walk away.

She flushed even harder at the innuendo behind his words, startled by the fact that she hadn't heard the elevator arrive.

She returned her attention to the elevator and proceeded to get on, but halted in her tracks as she came face to face with Derek.


Derek's brows creased as the elevator doors opened and he and the other occupants of the elevator caught the tail end of the interaction between the two unsuspecting people on the landing of the ninth floor.

His perception, which he'd honed over the years, went on full alert, as he observed what looked like an overtly intimate banter between her and his department head.

He watched his head of trauma nod politely to him, in greeting, and then turn to saunter away, leaving a flushed and flustered woman behind, to face them, he saw her surprise as she caught his eye just as she began to walk into the elevator, and he watched as she came to an abrupt halt, looking between himself, Paul, and his business partner, Omar, and then quietly mumble something about taking the stairs.

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