30. The Handler

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Photo of Celia

Song: Work by Rihanna ft Drake; cover by Connor Maynard ft Anth

Pls note: There will be changing POVs within this chapter and the next.

Rya's POV

Attention within the room shifted to them as she and Derek walked in, and Celia who'd seemed preoccupied by whatever she'd been gazing at, turned around.

'Celia, gentlemen,' Derek said as the glass doors slid shut behind them, 'my girlfriend Arabella,' the men tipped their glasses in greeting and he gestured to Celia as she walked forward toward them, the sway of her hips subtle, as was the slight bounce to her small rounded breasts.

'Bella, meet Celia your...handler for the evening,' he stressed the word "handler" and "evening" as he turned to stare pointedly at Celia who was now standing before them.

Up close, her eyes were a stunning shade of grey, framed by thick blonde lashes that perfectly matched her eyebrows. Her face was devoid of makeup save for the subtle gloss on her full pink lips which opened to reveal a set of perfect white teeth when she spoke.

'Pleasure,' she said in the familiar husky tone and with the charming smile that had first caught Rya's attention, 'Derek's been very specific about what liberties I can and cannot take with you,' she said raising her gaze to Derek's before continuing, 'and about my role as your handler tonight,' her voice seemed to become softer the more she talked, 'that's a level of overprotectiveness very few men in his position exert, makes me wonder if perhaps he's afraid that I might steal you from him.' She quirked one of her eyebrows at Derek which led Rya to also turn a confused gaze to him.

'Celia and I have had a discussion about tonight,' he said choosing to ignore the woman's suggestion, yet his tone remained gentle as he spoke to Rya, 'you'll be fine.'

Rya nodded as he sighed and pulled her in for another hug, 'Celia here likes women probably more than she does men,' he said as they pulled apart, finally choosing to address the question he'd seen in her eyes and Celia's intriguing remarks.

'Oh,' Rya murmured, 'but...isn't she...aren't you married?' she asked, deciding at the last minute to direct the question at Celia, '...to a...a man?' she finished awkwardly.

Celia shrugged, 'technically,' she said with a wink and a delicate shrug.

She drew closer to Rya, bringing with her an understated scent that was equal parts sweet, fresh and yet musky all at once, 'my husband understands and respects my interest in and enjoyment of the fairer sex,' she placed a hand on Rya's midsection and circled her, trailing her hand over Rya's stomach and hip, before pausing behind her, 'in fact,' she continued, leaning into Rya from behind as she loosened the silk straps at the nape of Rya's neck and waist which held her dress together, while whispering in her ear, 'he welcomes it.'

Rya sucked in a breath and swallowed hard, stepping out of her dress as it fell open, the soft caress of the silk on her skin as it made its way down her body to pool around her feet on the marble floor, causing her nipples to harden and a shiver to wrack her body as the cool air in the room hit her delicate skin.

She came back around to face Rya before turning her startling grey eyes to him, 'I'll take it from here,' she said, 'she'll be in safe hands, I assure you...although, I cannot guarantee that she'll be yours by the end of the evening.' She smirked teasingly, cockily, as she stepped back from them giving them a little space.


Derek's POV

Derek shook his head as he drew Rya to him once again, gazing deeply into her eyes and searching for a hint of anything that may signify fear or even the slightest hint of hesitation, but what he saw within its depths was her growing desire, he felt her increasing excitement as her chest heaved with the shallow, rapid breaths she was taking, felt his cock swell with anticipation and he couldn't resist leaning down to place a bruising kiss on her soft, slightly parted lips, those lips that drove him to distraction half the time.

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