Chapter One

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My Adorable Bully. (Short Story)
Stated on August 2013.
This book has All Rights Reserved.
Published to public rights: July 27, 2015.

By: anon.
Edited once and completed.

(currently editing the second time)

My names Madeline Dallas and I'm 16 years old. I have long light brown hair and greenish brown eyes, my brother says they are green but I fight back constantly saying that they are just brown. I live in a family that consists three family members because my mom passed away with cancer a while ago. This had to be probably the most tragic period of my life.

So why am I writing to you? Well my dad isn't home half of the time and my brother is always traveling for photo shoots and things of sorts, he models. His name is Cameron. He's a lady's man- but he's the only one I have to actually talk to, when he isn't in a pissy mood, or when not at photoshoots; f.cking around with friends.

My life is annoying, abusive and obnoxious but stable overall. Either way, I stay strong for many different reasons.  Many people have told me that people just consume joy from bringing others down, which is complete and utter b.ullshit.  

Two weeks ago, my dad officially left. He stormed into the room that Cameron and I slept in and told us that he had to leave and never come back. My dad wads never a real father to me anyways, he shut Cam and I out when our mom died. He was like living with a robot who occasionally told us to hush if we were being too loud. We lived in a tiny house although we were sorta wealthy. After father left, Cameron had an amazing idea to move somewhere other than Maryland, so we did just that. We moved to Virginia since it was pretty close and tolerable. I like the house and neighbourhood. We live in a small little home again but this time it's cozy. It's red brick house with beige doors and a black garage which is framed with a nice black trim. There is a path to the right of my house, this path leads to two parks, one park being just an open field where dogs and owners usually go, or that usual dad and son chill and throw a ball around, yanno? But the other side has a couple buildings that have alleys and it looks kind of sketchy. The school is across a small parkette with swings and kids playing around it. Cam doesn't seem to know that I am not interested in attending school here, I don't want him to know he's already enough packed up with stuff like his modelling and s.hit. Yet, I just moved here and I come home with bruises? Is that possible? The first day is done, and it went a little like this...

I walked in with my head lowered, obviously; I'm the new girl but don't worry, I'll cut s.hit short. By lunch I had a couple bruises and scratches along my back and face. This kid, Matthew Espinosa, he did it. He taunted me, shouted at me and hit me. What is this and who even is he?! I understand I'm new, but cut me some slack b.astard!
Anyways though, I'm not the type of girl to walk into the school with my head held high, stand up to jocks nor sit with kids at lunch. I barely even eat lunch. But it's fine, I usually do work or some sort. I try to maintain my slim body figure, which doesn't work, resulting me as a 130 pound 16 year old.  The day consisted of nothing but being taunted, ugh school is disgusting.
But what can I say? it sucks either way. Back in Maryland I had many bullies, so many taunting holes, Cam couldn't even back me up with them. It was pretty bad to the point where it messed with his modeling because he was constantly at the hospital or school trying to resolve the stuff that can not be resolved. So sitting here, accepting this taunting, accepting that it wont get better. I will embrace this.

 Don't bother Cameron, Madeline.

The next day I wake up and look around rubbing my eyes. I really do not want to go to Hell. I get up and get ready, I put on Jean high wasted shorts and a tank top. I apply my mascara and light eyeliner and get my bag and hop on the bus. I place my earbuds in my ears and press play; Jack and Jack, those famous sorta kids comes on shuffle. I leave it. Right when I step foot on the bus the familiar face appeared in the back seat. A smile wiped off his face once our eyes locked. I shuttered my eyes and faced the other direction with no expression on my face at all. His eyebrows narrow and turns away to whisper to his friends. Exiting off the bus, he shoves his way right behind me and pushes me off the bus.  I miss a step and go flying off the bus into a pile of dry September dirt. Another bruise quickly forms on my hip, I wipe the dirt off my arms and fix my hair. I pick my bag up and walk away into the school as I hear his friends laugh at his idiotic act. 

The bell rings and it's music to my ears. I bolt out of the school for my dear life.
I get on the bus and quickly whip my head back to Matthews designated spot. He is not sitting in his seat that he always sits in at the back. ... thank God.

I can't wait to see Cam, I haven't seen him around all day. Since Cameron and I are in two different grades, I only get to see him at lunch if we have the same lunch times. I walk into the house throw my bag down and sigh. "Hey Cam." I say to him who's sitting with someone on the couch. "Today was so stupid! There's this kid who- uh- " I look over and freeze in my skin. The words won't come out of my mouth, but my mouth remains open. To my right and see cam sitting there, but he's not alone.

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